Take A Look at Disney


Home on The Range

All right,  Wish me luck as I deal with what is considered the worst Disney animated movie of all time. 

That's right....

Home on the Range

 What makes this movie so bad?   I'll attempt to answer that question through this post.  Could it be the characters, the plot, the songs, or is it the villain.   I'll  just have to see why this movie has left a bad taste with many people

The Characters

First up is Maggie voiced by Roseanne

Maggie is certainly a character that I would define as over the top.  All of her actions are to extreme and also for a cow that has been moved to a new farm, she does not seem to be making a good first impression.  I would also say that she is a tomboy to the extreme and certain aspects of this character just seem to rude to me and almost mean-spirited.   That seems to be true most of the characters in this movie. 

Next is Ms Calloway voiced by Judi Dench

While Maggie was certainly tomboyish,  Ms. Calloway was the complete opposite.   Ms. Calloway  is most definitely a character who thought she was better than Maggie because Maggie was a show cow.  If there was ever a snobby Disney animal, Ms. Calloway would fit the bill.  Now I would talk about character development but I didn't notice any.  Except that it seemed rather rush. 

Finally,  our last main cow

Grace  voiced  by Jennifer Tilly

Grace is the only bearable character from this movie because she's sweet and innocent and that is tolerable.  However,  if I do have one minor complaint, it would be the running gag of Grace being tone-deaf.  It's not funny but rather annoying.

Buck voiced by Cuba Gooding Jr.

Buck is the most annoying character in this entire movie.  He is self-centered, obnoxious and that just does not feel right for a Disney character.  Yes, the Beast was the same way but Buck seemed more arrogant than Beast.  However to his credit, Buck does go through the most noticeable Character development and that is nice to see but he's still obnoxious and annoying.

The Plot
The basic plot is that Maggie is sold to Pearl, a little old lady who owns a farm, when all the other cows are stolen at her farm.  The bank comes to tell Pearl that the debtors are cracking down on her farm and unless she pays the debt, her farm will go to the highest bidder.  The three cows decide to go to town because there is a fair, where the cows hope to win prize money.   I don't want to give away to much of the plot if you have not seen the movie and also I will be talking about it more with the villain.

The Songs

The song situation is interesting, most of the songs are forgettable except for one that is surprisingly good and another that is horrendously bad.  This movie has perhaps the worst villain song ever.  Let's start with the good song though.

Will the Sun Ever Shine Again   - Bonnie Raitt

"Will the Sun Ever Shine Again?"  is a beautiful simple Country song that perfectly depicts the emotions of the characters.  It's a good song but I feel it could have been suited for another movie.  This is perhaps one of the only saving graces about this film.  

Now on the other hand of the spectrum is


This is in my opinion, the worst villain song that has ever been featured in a Disney movie.  A villain song should either be intimidating or and  over-the-top.  This one tries to be comical and over-the-top but it just goes too far.  The song starts good and then we get Almeda Slim singing, sorry yodeling this travesty.  Because Slim apparently yodels, which is part of his major plan.

The Villian

Almeda Slim voiced by Randy Quaid

Now,  I have already mentioned Almeda Slim and I feel that he is the one of the worst Disney villains.  He is a cow wrassler  and his plan is to steal cows from patrons of his who did not like his yodeling.  He does this in a pied piper type way by entrancing cows to follow him with his yodeling. I just find this silly. 

The End Results

So, why is this movie viewed in a negative light?  Well, for me it comes down to two things, the characters just seem unlikable and the songs minus the two I mentioned are forgettable.  That shouldn't be the case for a Disney movie.  Is this the worst Disney movie ever?  No, that is another movie I will only mention this one time and never again on "A Look at Disney".

Please, do not request this film as I refuse to watch it but I just wanted to let you guys know what I thought the worst Disney movie was.

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