Take A Look at Disney


Let's Watch Toy Story: The Musical Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6

When we last left off Buzz had just fallen out the window and Andy was heading to Pizza Planet, he wanted to take Buzz but could not find  him so instead took Woody. Who actually caused Buzz to fall out of the window and the toys were a little more than angry at him. Now in Part 4, we meet the Aliens at Pizza Planet and hear perhaps the two weakest songs from this entire play.  One of which is sung by Sid, I'm sorry you have to suffer that.

Just to note, this video at the ends wraps around back to Sid's song.  I must say that the relationship between Woody and Buzz is getting better with each part but Sid is getting worse.  I hate this Sid and I don't mean the character, I mean the performance. It just does not work and Sid's singing proves that.  Sid's song is in my opinion, the worst in the entire play. Before we talk about Sid's song, let's talk about the Alien's song. Their song is  called "The Claw".  Shocker, Right!  Where they sing about the claw and how its in charge.  This song is one I was dreading the most but it was not that bad. For some reason, it  reminded of "Bohemian Rhapsody".  I don't why but that's what of I thought when I heard the song.  Sid's song, good grief that was awful.  The lyrics were cheesy beyond belief and again the voice really ruined the song. With the right voice, this song could have been decent.  In case you're curious, the name of the song is "Make A Little Noise". Well, it can't get any worse than that song.  Now onto Part 5

When Part 5 opens,  Buzz learns the truth that he is just a toy through the commercial. Which is depressing but also pretty funny because we find out that "To Infinity and Beyond" is just the theme song from the Buzz Lightyear toy commercial and not the Star Command Anthem.   We also meet the mutant toys and boy do they look just like their movie counterparts. I have to say that highlight of this scene comes right after Buzz tries to fly and Woody delivers the line "Your arm".    Woody has finally realized that Buzz is all right and isn't trying to replace him and he finally feels sympathy for Buzz.  Now since this video ended in the middle of a song, I'll be including Part 6.

In this video opens during the middle of the reprise of  "That's Why We're Here".  This is nice but this is where one of major complaints starts because from here on out, every song is a reprise.  I loved the interaction between Buzz and Woody during this number it was just great.  Our next song is a short reprise of "Make a Little Noise", where is Sid about to Send Buzz into orbit and then comes one of favorite scenes. When the toys come to life, that is just so cool and I must admit Sid did a good job acting scared here.  The song during this scene is  known Busted/Make a Lot of Noise. It is the toy's versions of Sid's song and it is awesome. I feel as though it would make for a great Halloween song.  Come back for Part 7, the final part and my final thoughts on Toy Story: The Musical.  Which will be up soon.

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