Take A Look at Disney


Stage Version of Disney Songs

Many great Disney films have been adapted to stage and along with the story, the music ends up on stage.  Today, I will be taking a look at the songs from Different Disney stage productions and I will give my take on each song.  I will include two songs from each production.

Our first song comes from international production known Der Glockner von Notre Dame.  Which is obviously based The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  I have chosen to go with their version of one my favorite songs from the film.

The title is Das Feuer der Holle,  this is the stage version of Hellfire. Word of caution it is in sung in German but still very powerful.

The many playing Frollo does a wonderful job, you can feel the passion he has in singing this song. Yes, it may be sung in German but as soon as it starts you know that it's Hellfire. It may be on the short side but the song still hits home.

The second song I have chosen from this play is Helf den Verstoß'nen,  you might recnogize this as God Help the Outcasts.

Again, the lady playing Esmerdala puts her all into this song and truly embraces the song and the moment. She makes you feel her pain, even if you cant' understand the language. Don't worry about that though,  the stage of Hunchback is heading our way sometime soon. In the meantime, I suggest you check out these song if you are interested.

All right, I'm done with shows of a different language. I'm going to stick English speaking shows now.  Next up is the first Disney stage production ever.  "Beauty & the Beast". 

The first song I have chosen from this production is "Gaston".  It's certainly cartoony and I feel that opening is a little weak but it does live to the film version but this Gaston just does not sound manly enough.

The next song I have picked is another favorite of mine, "Belle"

This song is just like the film version except for the villagers speak their lines instead of singing and Belle sounds older than the bookkeeper. All in all, a good song but not as good the film version.  Fun fact, I don't think it was this particular production but both Donny Osmond and Hugh Jackman have played Gaston.

Next is the first Disney play, I ever saw, "The Lion King" 

The first song I have chosen is "Circle of Life"

This song and entire play I  would classify as EPIC. It is just so awesome, they understand the music and it was just so cool to see this play on stage. This song is giving me goosebumps, just listening to it, right now.  Interesting Rafiki became a woman in this play and was renamed Ratiki.

The next song I have picked is "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?"

Again, they understand this song and it is a new take on a classic song. I really love how Simba and Nala express their emotions in this song. It hits home and makes you realize along with Simba and Nala that they love each other.

The next play, I have picked is "Tarzan"

The first song I chose is "You'll be in My Heart"

Again, this captures the essence of the original song and it is beautiful. I will admit that Kala does sound younger but I think that works because Kala lost her baby and this way makes look like a young mother who has restored hope.

The next song I have picked is "Strangers Like Me". I think this is one of the most underrated "Tarzan" songs, the play does do it justice I feel.  In this scene Tarzan is meeting Clayton for the first time and then the song starts.

Finally, the last play I have picked is "Mary Poppins" Who doesn't love Mary Poppins? It's fun,funny and whimsical. The play is no exception to that either. The music also makes you think while having fun. Such as the case with the first song, I have chosen

"Feed the Birds"

Now of course, no one can capture the essence Julie Andrews had when she sang this song in the film but this version comes darn close and it just as good. It does not veer off to far from the original song but why would you when working with something from The Sherman Brothers? 

The last song, I have chosen is  "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"

This song is just a bucket of fun and you can tell that the cast is enjoying themselves while singing. why wouldn't you though? This is an awesome song all the way through.  Again, they didn't mess with it too much and it works well.

There you have it, these are just few stage versions. I hope you enjoyed this and see you next time.

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