Take A Look at Disney


Request Month: Treasure Planet

I know I said I was going to start Request Month on Thursday but I couldn't wait.  This one is rather special as it is my very first request and it comes from blugoon. To kick off Request Month, I'll be reviewing

Treasure Planet

That is one EPIC trailer but... sadly this movie did not perform well at box office and I wonder why. I don't know if I;ll be able to answer why it underperformed but I'll try.

The Plot

The plot well if you want the short version...  (narrator voice)  It's Treasure Island in SPACE!  No, not enough. I kind of thought that wouldn't suffice.  Treasure Planet is the story of Jim Hawkins  who is a young man that is lost in life and does not know where he belongs. Though he discovers himself through a voyage on ship with a motley crew of pirates and forges a relationship with someone only to have it be betrayed.

The Characters

Since there are so many important characters, I can't just break it down into main character and villain. So instead I have decided to break it down into the following.

  1. Important Characters
  2. Comic Relief
  3. Villians

Important Characters

Jim Hawkins voiced by Joesph-Gordon Levitt

Now I have talked about Jim before on A Look at  Disney.  In Top 6 Disney Heroes I placed him at number 5 and here is what I had to say about him.

"Jim Hawkins is anothercharacter, we see develop throughout the course of the movie.  Jim starts off as a rebellious young teenager only caring for himself and his mother.  However, when young Jim is given the map to Treasure Planet and goes with a motley crew of space pirates, he matures fast.  Thanks in part to Long John Silver who serves as a mentor and father figure for the boy.  Jim left his mother a rebellious teen but he came home a mature young man because of the events he had gone through". 

I feel that summarizes the character of Jim perfectly, so I'll be moving onto the next character.

Dr. Delbert Doppler voiced by David Hyde Pierce

Dr. Doppler is the only male figure in Jim's life for the longest time that is until Silver comes along. I think the best way to describe Dr. Doppler is that he is genius but also a bit of scatterbrain with a good heart. Dr. Doppler does enter a romantic relationship with Captain Ameila and at the end it is shown that now have children. In a deleted scene, it was hinted that Dr. Doppler gave birth to their kids.  I'd have to say the Dr. Doppler reminds of Julus Kelp from the Jerry Lewis version of "The Nutty Professor".

Captain Ameila voiced by Emma Thompson

Cpatian Ameila is the lady in charge of the ship that is out to find Treasure Planet. She may be a lady but she let's you know she's in charge and when she gives orders, you better listen. Ameila does not take no for an answer. Though she is able to give order, she has a hard time taking them such as when Delbert tells her to rest after she had been injured. As I mentioned earlier Delbert and Ameila enter a romantic relationship but it actually starts out as a quibble between the two characters.

Mr. Arrow voiced by voiced by Roscoe Lee Browne

Mr. Arrow is Captain Ameila's right hand man. He keeps everyone in check and makes sure that fight don't take place on the ship.  Even though his character is important I feel that he becomes more important after he is killed by Mr. Scroop because we more of Jim's development and his anger when Mr. Arrow is killed. That is why I feel he is an important character. Also it is just me or does he look like the Rockbiter from "The Neverending Story".

Comic Relief

Morph   voiced by Dane A. Davis

Morph is one of my favorite characters from this movie because he is so cute even if he looks like Mr. Bubble. He is Silver's pet and instead of a parrot he is a Morph. That is the name of his species, they titled that because they can shapeshift their look into anything else.

B.E.N. voiced by Martin Short

Whereas Morph is one of my favorite characters, B.E.N is my least favorite. He is annoying to no end but that's what you get when you hire Martin Short. Seriously has that guy ever played a character that wasn't annoying. B.E.N is a robot that existed when the treasure was buried but in order to keep it a secret he had his mind taken out.


I want to take a break from the characters because I want to end with the  villians. Now I'll be taking a look at the music There is only one memorable song from the movie but still forgettable compared to other Disney songs. I have to thank Cin Wicked for this inspiaration because I have decided to look at both the song in the film and at the music video for the song

I'm Still Here

In the context of the movie, this  song accmpolishes three things. 1. It's shows Jim maturing while on the ship and becmoing more open to life. 2. It's lets us know why Jim was closed with his emotions because he was afraid of getting hurt or being left like how his father left him. 3. It shows the development between Jim and Silver, how Silver is shaping up to be the father Jim never had.

Offical Music Video

In the offical music video for the song, the message is lost because there too many images on screen at once. The message of the song gets muddled in with all the uneccessary scenery. The worst part is that the music video I feel tries to distance itself from the movie.


Long John Silver voiced by Brian Murray

This version of Silver is my favorite because he honestly does not feel like a villian but rather a man who is in the same postiton of Jim and they help each grow up. While Silver is the. father Jim never had, Jim is the son Silver never had. That's what makes the betrayal much more painful. You can see that Silver does not want to fight Jim very clearly when they are on Treasure Planet. The prime example can be seen when Silver gives Jim, Morph.

Mr. Scroop voiced by Michael Wincott

If there is any real villian it is Mr. Scroop and I say that because he is vicious,cruel and does not care about anyone else's feelings. I assume he is some type of crab which would make sense because he is cold blooded and that is seen when he cuts the rope that is carrying Mr. Arrow and kills him  Scroop will stop at nothing to get the treasure but luckily and he is stopped he meets the same fate as Arrow.

My Thoughts

Why didn't this movie do good? I'm not sure but it may because of the lack of music and really this does not feel like a traditonal Disney movie. Because there is no love inetrest for Jim and there is not that much music. It's still good and I'd say check it out.  Come back next week, when I review "Peter & the Wolf"

Do you guys hear that thunder?  No...  All right see you next, time.

Darkfan21:  Hmm... This Moviefan12 is good. He knows Disney well and he must be stopped. But how, I know over time build a plan to take over his body and then the world!

This will work perfectly!!!

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