Take A Look at Disney


Disney World Turns 40

Forty years ago on October 1st, 1971,   Walt Disney World opened it's gates to the public.   Things have certainly changed in those 40 years.   Back when it first opened, the only park there was The Magic Kingdom but over time, it developed into so much more.   Three additional parks  came along. Rides came and went some popular such Mr Toad and 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Others not so much  but Disney World will always have a special feeling to it.  So today on A Look at Disney, I wish to celebrate the 40 years of Walt Disney World but how?   Well, I thought long and hard over this myself.  Then it hit me, the best way to pay tribute to this wonderful place is to look back on my favorite memories  of my visits to Walt Disney World.  Now this won't be a Top 6 because I have too many memories but rather just me talking about the memories that truly stick out to me.  

I have decided to make this personal because I feel that is the best way to go about it.   

My First Trip To Walt Disney World

Why not start with my first trip to Walt Disney World?  This trip was many years ago, I was probably just five at the time.   Now on my first trip, I only went to Epcot and MGM Studios.  No, Magic Kingdom for this little kid.    I will say that I actually enjoyed MGM more than Epcot but I think Epcot is a more mature park that I don't think young children have enough to enjoy with that park.   Even still I had a good time even if  I had more fun at MGM especially on Star Tours and Muppet Vision 3D  


While the parks were great, that isn't the most memorable aspect was a character breakfast and that breakfast and in all honesty, the best part was seeing my grandmother interact with Meeko.    

Meeko had a lot of fun with my grandmother especially when he took her napkin and basically made Meeko Ears out of it for to wear.   Even still my first trip to Walt Disney World will always have a special place in my heart.

Buying my First Disney Pin

As I have stated in the past, I collect the Disney Pins that are part of Disney Trading Pin collection.   The very first pin that I bought was a Chip 'n' Dale acorn pin that looked like the one here.   I'm not even sure how I got into pin collecting but I just recall seeing this pin and I decided to purchase it. After that my collection grew from this one pin to over 62 pins in my current collection   I normally don't trade these pins because I like them too much but oddly enough I traded the Chip 'n' Dale pin which was my first for another pin but that was one of the few times that I took part in trading.    Though it seems the Pin fad is dwindling and is instead being replaced by Vinylmation. 

It can't just be me but these things are ugly

Though with how large the fanbase is for the pins, I doubt productions will halt production on them anytime soon. I just won't be picking up any of the Vinylmation figurines anytime soon.

Going On Expedition Everest 

This awesome ride at Animal Kingdom actually helped me get over my fear of roller coasters.   Before I went on this ride I was scared of roller coasters but I had decided when I learned of this ride  I decided that I wanted to go on it for two reasons.  First, it just looked like a really fun ride and secondly I thought why not go on it?   When I went on it, I had a blast. Did I get scared?   A little bit but not too much and the Yeti on this ride looks really cool.  

Getting My Picture Taken With Mickey

Lastly, this memory is  great.   (I need to break out that jacket more often)  Back on topic, when  I was on my last visit to Walt Disney World,  it was around the time of Thanksgiving as my family had  decided that we wanted to see the parks decorated up for the Holidays. While that was nice, I had one goal in mind that was more important than any ride because you see on my first trip to Disney World as a little kid, I didn't get my picture taken with Mickey. While I had gotten my picture taken with Mickey elsewhere, I realized that I didn't have a Disney World picture with him.  Luckily,  I was able to get that picture.  That was one of the best nights  of that trip and definitely one of my favorite Disney memories.   Now I know I have talked about this before when I discussed Mickey Mouse at a greater length in my article about him.   As I said there on that night, I was on Cloud 9.    

 These are some of my favorite Disney World memories. What are some memories from any Disney World trips you have, share them in the comments.  

To end this, I give you a song that captures the spirit and beauty of my Heaven on Earth.  It makes me wonder would Walt be proud of this park?  My thoughts, yes he would.  True Epcot isn't what he envisioned but it is such a wonderful and happy place. With that out of the way. I give you this fantastic song from the 25th anniversary of my favorite place.  Which will reappear on a future Music Fridays  I give you...

Remember The Magic

Let this song take you back to simpler times and remember your favorite Disney moments or cherish the thought of new ones as you get to see through the eyes of child.   To my mom & dad who have given me some of my favorite Disney World memories I say

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