Take A Look at Disney


The Lion King 3-D Was Great (For The Most Part)

This past weekend, I finally saw The Lion King 3-D and while it had only been three years since I saw The Lion King, it was such a wonderful experience. Especially seeing as this is one the earliest Disney films I recall seeing at the age of 4.   All of those memories of being four years old and seeing this film came fleeting back to me.   If there was one word to describe the night, I saw this film, it is nostalgic.   

It was so funny, majority of the people in the audience there were about high school to college age and when  the title appeared on screen, there was applause and cheer for this film.  

It's funny how those three simple words got us all excited to see this film that I'm sure most of us in the audience had seen before in our lives.  I came home that night think each generation has a Disney movie that is their Disney movie.  For my generation, the '90s, it's The Lion King.   It's hard to say what the other generations' Disney movies are but I know for a fact that The Lion King belongs to the '90s.   

With that said though, this movie felt timeless and not dated one bit.   Everything I expected to be there was there for the most part. Maybe I don't remember the film as well as I thought but I was pretty sure that Elton John sang Circle of Life and Can You Feel The Love Tonight?  in the film.   This is where my one teensy minor qualm comes into play because both times these songs were played. It wasn't Elton singing but rather a female voice. She did a fine job but I was expecting this guy.

Other than that, the film was great. Well of course it was. It's The Lion King for goodness sake.  How can you go wrong with this movie?   I was rather disappointed because I had heard rumors that The Morning Report was going to be shown in this screening but alas that proved to be untrue.  No big loss there because while I like that song, I don't truly think that it is as memorable as the songs used in the movie. 

Now as for the 3-D, itself. It was pretty good. Granted not as good as when I saw Tangled in 3-D but lightyears above when I saw Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland in 3-D. That just left me with a headache.  Now there were actually four key moments where the 3-D really stood out to me. Though one of them came before the film even started and that when I saw the Walt Disney Animation Studios logo, which was also done in 3-D.

I don't know what it was but seeing that logo in 3-D was pretty darn cool. Not that I ever want to see this short or anything Walt worked on in 3-D because that would just feel weird.  It might have something to do with the fact I was wearing a  Steamboat Willie T-Shirt that night as well.

Now the one moment that truly stands out and makes me feel as though I was there in Pride Rock was seeing Zazu fly to Pride Rock to greet Mufasa and Sarabi.  

The other two big 3-D moments were seeing Rafiki  baby Simba into the sky for the first time and then seeing Mufasa reappear in the sky to talk to Simba as an adult.

Those moments truly stood out and just shined through so beautifully.  Now it was odd but I found myself laughing at jokes I didn't remember from the film such as Zazu suggesting they turn Scar into a throw rug.

Watching this film on the big screen also made me realize that this is how Disney films should be seen.  Because while they look fine on TV, they  look majestic on the big screen.   At the end of the day, I enjoyed this film and I hope Disney does decide to release Aladdin, Mermaid, and Beauty and The Beast as well. Could you just imagine Genie in 3-D or what about the ballroom scene from Beauty and The Beast? Wouldn't those look beautiful?  Though if they do re-release Beauty and The Beast, don't put Human Again in there.   On a side note, I also picked up a pair of the special edition Kid's Glasses from this film which had Simba on them and Rafiki's drawings of Simba on there as well.

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