Take A Look at Disney


The Sterns of The Disney Cruise Ships

Yay, yay, yay!  I'm sorry but I;m just rather excited as you see I found out today on the stern of the new Disney Cruise Ship, The Fantasy.  It'll feature...

Dumbo and Timothy The Mouse! I'm sorry I have calmed down now but this just so cool.  My favorite film is getting the recognition it deserves and it's nice to see that for the Cruise ships that they are stepping out of their box as using characters from the mainstay line up.  For the most part.   You see on their other new ship, The Dream, they feature Mickey and the brooms as they appeared in The Sorcerer's Apprentice.   

I admit that does look pretty cool and it does capture the spirit of the classic Fantasia segment quite well still I have to give to The Fantasy because well it's Dumbo.  Call me a sucker,  I have no better reason than that the three characters featured equally but  it is nice to see that Disney is branching out and using other characters than Mickey, Donald and Goofy.  

This picture here shows what the stern of  The Fantasy will look like upon completion.  Pretty nice, if I may so myself.   A first that I noticed for this one is that this will be the first time they use a flying character to portray them painting the back of the ship.   As you gathered, I'm rather excited about this turn of events.  I hope that I get to see this person one day because these are always a site to behold.  Seriously only Disney could get me excited about the back of a cruise ship. Go figure but they did it.  Let's just say when my best friend told me this news, I freaked out because  I just this was so awesome.   Now as you may know Disney has two other ships in their line,   the Wonder and the Magic.      Those also feature characters on the back of their sterns painting the ship. 

On the Magic, the only Disney cruise ship that I have been on at this point in my life they  feature Goofy.   Simple enough but there are some things that made it look as those he well goofed up.    Though I much prefer the Wonder's stern which features Donald, Hewey, Dewey and Louie.  

I feel that this model actually better captures the spirit of these characters with Donald's bad temper and Hewey trying to cut the rope that Donald is using.  Now some of you may be wondering where are Dewey and Louie?  See those eyes behind Hewey.  Yep that's them.   I just feel that this is better of the two from the older ships and from the newer ships I have already stated how much I like the one featuring Dumbo and Timothy Quincy Mouse. (That's his full name, by the way).   

True I haven't see the completed stern for the Fantasy but I still like it a lot.   I think that it is a great inclusion for the cruise ships and I appreciate the fact that Disney feels that don't have to rely on Mickey and the gang for these models.   Again, they are all pretty fun to look at and I imagine they are a sight to see when they are first placed on the ships. 

Now to end this out, say Disney decided to build a fifth and sixth ship, what characters would you like to see get painting duties on the back of the stern?  Also what would you name with these two  ships?  Have fun with it.    


  1. ohhh wow.....
    this is really a sweet & awesome blog.

  2. hey Mickey, i m really very Glad that after seeing this blog, i went back to my childhood, when i was so crazy for Mickey Mouse that i use to make so many excuses just to watch this awesome cartoon character....:)

  3. That's awesome, man. Glad my blog could do that.
