Take A Look at Disney


Travelling Mickey

Hey guys if you recall my Favorite Disney Stuffed Animals article, I talked about this little guy. Travelling Mickey to be exact and how whenever I go on a trip I usually take a picture of him. Well today I have decided to share some of those pictures with you.    I hope you guys enjoy these pictures as much I did taking them.  Now  a little background before we begin, I first came up with the idea for Travelling Mickey while on vacation in South Dakota as I saw a lot of people pulling out Troll dolls and taking pictures  of the Troll dolls in front of famous landmarks in South Dakota.  I thought to myself that would be a lot of fun to do but I would need something that fit more along my tastes and I thought a Mickey doll would work but he has to be dressed it outdoor garb so to speak. Now it wasn't until a few  days after my 21st birthday that I found this Mickey at a local Disney Store outside of Las Vegas. When I saw him I knew he was the one, he was Travelling Mickey.   Now Travelling Mickey hasn't been on too many trips, well mini trips but for our big trips out of state, there have only been two that involved Travelling Mickey.   The first being the family trip to the Florida Keys and the second one being when I went to Chicago.  So for the most part that is where these pictures will be coming from.  

We will be starting with the Keys.   Let's begin, now shall we.  Now these pictures will be shown out of order from when they were shot but that's because some I like more than others and really want to share with you guys.

The Florida Keys

Mickey & The View

Now this picture was taken at a bar at the resort we were staying at on Key Largo.  The view that night was just beautiful and I knew that I wanted to get a Travelling Mickey picture here.  Out of all the Travelling Mickey pictures that I have taken thus far, this one has to be my favorite because the beauty of  it is just so pure and simple.  You can't a paint a view like that. Also I think Mickey adds a nice touch to the picture of it as well.

Mickey In Hammock

Now I  have always preferred it with these pictures if I could just get Mickey in the picture without me in it at all. Now it's not that I don't like having my picture taken (as we'll soon see) but I just think the pictures are more unique when it is just Mickey and personally think that it is kind of funny, when it's just Mickey as I try to come up with a story for the just Mickey pictures.   For example with this one, we see Travelling Mickey lying in a hammock.  I like to think that after a long day of enjoying water sports and other stuff Travelling Mickey just decided he needed to rest and wanted to lie in this hammock.   Not the best story but it's what I came up with and it's what I'm sticking to.

Mickey and I  On a Glass Bottom Boat Tour

While my dad went scuba diving, my mom and I found other things to do around the Keys. One such thing we did was go on a glass bottom boat tour. Again, I found an opportunity for a Travelling Mickey picture.  Again I think the just Mickey picture is better than the one with me in it because while I don't mind being in the picture, I just have more fun with the just Mickey pictures.  Though I do appear in a lot of the Travelling Mickey pictures out of necessity. I don't know  they are decent pictures but which do you guys like more?

Mickey "Under The Sea"

This picture was taken at a scuba diving museum that we stopped at on our way to Key West.  They had a tank and on the tank, they had these cut outs shaped like old scuba helmets. Again I thought this would make for a great Travelling Mickey picture. Let me just say I wasn't sure how it was going to work because  I was afraid that there would be some glare. For the most part, I think this picture turned out all right and this up there as one of my favorites alongside the Mickey & The View.    

That's all of the pictures from the Keys that I'll be sharing. Now we move on to the two pictures from Chicago. 


Mickey at Gino's

While not the best Travelling Mickey because I am featured in too much, I still like it.  On our first night in Chicago,  we decided to go out and get some  Chicago style pizza.   Luckily, there was this pizzeria around the block from our hotel. That was some of the best pizza that I ever had.  It lasted us about two night because of how thick the pizza was.   

Mickey and I with Lego Woody

Now this picture was taken on the second day in Chicago at a mall outside a Lego Store that we went, after I went to The Disney Store (of course).  Now I didn't buy anything from the Lego Store but seeing this Woody model I couldn't pass on the chance to have a picture with two things I love Lego & Disney.  In the end, it's good but I feel it falls short because of tiny Mickey is. Not a hit on him, it's still a good picture and all.    I don't know the next time I'll get a picture like this so I wasn't going to pass it up.   

I hope you have enjoyed this look at another part of my life and some of my favorite trip pictures.  Now there is one place I have yet to get any Travelling Mickey pictures but that will soon change.   Soon enough, I will have Travelling Mickey/Disney World pictures.  Now if I had to pick my favorite Travelling Mickey picture,  it has got to be the first one.  Which one stuck to you as a really fun or nice picture? Tell me in the comments. 

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