Take A Look at Disney


Pink Elephants On Parade Vs. Heffalumps & Woozles

Hello and welcome to  a fun little segment that I have decided to try out here on A Look at Disney.   In today's article, I have decided to take two song sequences from two different Disney movies that I think are similar and take a look at them.  Oh for anyone asking, this segment is just titled Vs.  Now today's subject on the first Vs. if you couldn't tell are the songs Pink Elephants On Parade from Dumbo and Heffalumps & Woozles  from The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh.   Now there are three things that I'll be judging them on, the first is sound. Because seeing as I'm dealing with songs, you gotta talk about the sounds.   The design,  here I'm  referring  to the design of the characters.  Finally,  I'll take a look at  how they tie into their respective films or just simply The Film Factor.   Let's begin, shall we. Don't be afraid to tell me if you have a different opinion because I would love to know. 

Sound  (Round 1) 

First category is sound. As in how does each song sound and which one has the better sound.  Let's begin but in order to do this...

We need the songs, I'll be kicking it off with Pink Elephants.  

The sound for Pink Elephants is rather eerie and just so off the wall.  It is a fun song that has such a weird and unique sound to it.  When you listen to the song it just sounds as the people singing are honestly freaked out by the Pink Elephants.  Just the different sounds such as when you see the Belly dancer is just great. There are so many unique sounds in this song that it is like a roller coaster for the ears.  The sound is constantly changing.  I mean there is the belly dancing sound and then the big crash sound.  I think that this song has some great sound to it.   

Heffalumps & Woozles

I love the way this song starts with the whole "Beware".   Again, the sound is pretty good here as well.   Whereas with Pink Elephants, it sounded as though the people singing were just freaked out by the Pink Elephants. Here it just sounds as though the people singing this song  look at these creatures and just think "wow, they're  odd",    There is also a nice use of different sounds in this song as well but to be honest I find some of the sounds used in this song to be more annoying than anything else.   Also, I feel that this song  does go on a bit too long in some areas.   

For that reason, the winner of Sound (Round 1) is....

Pink Elephants

Design (Round 2)

For this next round, I turn to the design of each sequence.  Again, I'll start off with Pink Elephants.  

The design is simple.  Just pink almost see through elephants.   Perhaps a little too simple but it does work in context of the song.   It does give the audience something interesting to look at  and yes I know the song is titled Pink Elephants On Parade but sometimes with this being the only thing to look at it can get a tad boring. Yes, there are moments where they take on unique shapes such as a race car but in the end, while I like this design.  It just falls short for me. 

Heffalumps & Woozles

Now while Pink Elephants can get boring in some of it design, Heffalumps & Woozles gives the audience more to look at and now I know this may seem unfair but there is a larger variety of colors.  Also the Heffalumps & Woozles take  many more different forms. There is the Jack in the Box that you see here or there is when one appears as bee. 

I actually think that the designs for Heffalumps & Woozles is more creative.  Even a bit more fun to look at as I find myself sometimes wonder what they'll appear as next. For that reason, I have to give this round to...

Heffalumps & Woozles

The Film Factor (The Final Round)

Ah, we have reached the Final Round. The Film Factor.  Here, I look at how well each son and sequence ties into the film that it's associated with.   Again, I'll start with Pink Elephants.

Pink Elephants On Parade.

The setup for this scene is Dumbo and Timothy go to get a drink of water. They get out of a bucket next to the tent where the clowns were and sitting a table is a bottle of alcohol that is knocked into the bucket of water.   Dumbo and Timothy take a drink get drunk.  Therefore they see the Pink Elephants and when they wake up the next morning they are in the tree.  Now other than that, this sequence is never brought up again because it didn't need to be.  It was just thrown in there for the fun of it.  It is a fun song and while most of the songs in Dumbo don't drive the plot so much this one does it the least.  Because the other songs actually a true connection the film and here I just don't feel that. 

Heffalumps & Woozles

In Winnie The Pooh, we first learn of Heffalumps & Woozles when Tigger mentions them. Later on Pooh Bear has a nightmare depicted as an out of body experience where he actually interacts with the Heffalumps & Woozles.  I like that and  also these characters do reappear in later Pooh stories and have become somewhat of recurring villains in 100 Acre Wood.  While the same can be said for this song as for Pink Elephants, in that it has on true over barring   emphasis on the story. It does tie in better with the characters from the respective film that it came from. 

For that reason this round goes to...

Heffalumps & Woozles


The End Result

In the end, Heffalumps & Woozles win 2 -1.  I feel that it had better design and a better connection the film.  Now even though it won that does not mean I think any less of Pink Elephants because c'mon you guys know how I feel about that movie but I had to be fair and judge these song on their own merits. Yes I did also go over how well they tie into their respective films but when dealing with songs such as these I feel that is an important thing to look at.   What's your take on this? Do your agree or disagree? Tell me in the comments and what are some other things you would like to see be paired against each other on Vs. Until next time, later.


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