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KP Week Bonus: Top 6 Kim Possible Villains

Hey guys, here a KP Week article that I thought I had lost which was meant to open the event. Luckily, I did some digging through my archives on my site and I was able to enjoy it.  I hope you do as well. Join me as I countdown the Top 6 Kim Possible Villains.

So here's the sitch,  I love Kim Possible.  I think it is one of the best action oriented shows to ever come from Disney and I have decided that over the next few days that I would celebrate  this great show by holding a KP Week.  Granted, this will spill over into next Monday due to Classic Shorts Showcase but I'm still calling it KP Week. But where to start, oh where to  start.  Well, I have decided to start with one of the best things about this show.  It's villains, so join me as I take a look at the rouges gallery of this show.

6.  Gill

Now this villain I believe only appeared in 2 episodes but he was an entertaining enough villain.  Gil used to be the former cabin mate of Ron at Camp Wanna Weep.  Ron would swap  swim time with as Ron I believe had a fear of water.  However unbeknownst to Gil, the river was polluted and the more time he spent in the river it turned him into this monster and he renamed himself Gill.

I added an 'L', you know, as in Gill, as in these things that grew when I mutated!

He blamed Ron for what happened to him and wanted revenge. I liked that aspect because I think Gill is one of the few villains to have a personal history with one of our heroes before they turned evil.  Also while he may not have appeared in many episodes, his first appearance was quite nice and set him well.  It's actually ashame that they didn't use him more but I couldn't understand why as what one could do with him is rather limited. Though I will say this the first episode that he appears in, Sink or Swim is fun to watch on Halloween.

5.  Senor Senior, Senior

Coming in at # 5 is the Senor Senior .  In a way, KP's partner Ron is responsible for Senor, Senior turning evil and that is part of the reason why I included him on this list.  I just love his demeanor, he treats villainy as just a  hobby and nothing more.   While he hopes for his plans to succeed.,  he really could care less if they are foiled.   Really,  this is just a way for him to spend some time in his retirement because it seems like he was bored and what better to do than just try to be evil.  Now I know some KP fans may be wondering why I didn't include Junior along with his father.  Well because Junior doesn't really want to be evil.  He just does it pretty much to  make his father happy whereas Senior seems to actually get some joy out of being evil.

4.   Duff  Killigan.

Now if there is one thing that this show knew how to do well, it was over the top villains and  really, you can't get more over the top than Duff Killigan.   A once famed  golf player with a bad attitude that got him banned from every golf course in the world and this even includes mini golf.  After this he turned to a life of crime and as you could figure out he is a golf themed villain.   I mean he uses exploding golf balls as one his main weapons.  If your looking for a great over the top villain  look no further than Duff Killigan.  He is always good for a  laugh.

3.   Dr. Drakken

Now here again, I know some of you may be wondering why Drakken is only at # 3 when he was the main villain.   Well, he's a great a villain and a great comedic villain.  Oh, don't get me wrong he had his moments of awesomeness but really that only came because of his sidekick, Shego.  It's basically a reverse of Joker and Harley.  In that  with the relationship of Joker and Harley, Harley was the more playful one whereas here Dr. Drakken is much more playful but he still has a serious side to him.  Now I know in canon he is considered KP's arch enemy but I don't necessarily agree with that and you'll find out why in a bit.  One of my favorite running jokes with Dr. D is that he can never remember Ron's name and I have to say while he is book smart, he can never get his inventions to work. Sound familiar...

Just sayin'

Also while I bring this up, KP had a brief cameo in Phineas and Ferb during their Spot The Diff marathon.

This couldn't be a cross over instead of a cameo, why?

2.   Monkey Fist

Admittedly, Monkey Fist is more of Ron's foe than Kim's and that mainly comes from the fact that Ron is deathly afraid of monkeys. One thing that impresses me about Monkey Fist is that he tricked Kim and Ron into helping him become evil by having KP & Ron help him the four jade monkey statues which gave him  Mystical Monkey Powers. It would take forever to go into what Mystical Monkey Powers entail.   I will say though that he was an already capable fighter  and that came from him studying Monkey Kung-Fu  The Mystical Monkey Powers made him an even better and bigger foe.   Part of the reason that I said that he is more of a foe for Ron than KP is that Ron also received Mystical Monkey Powers and this had actually made Ron much more self confident and comfortable with facing him.   At the end of that day, the only thing left to say is...

  1. Shego

I bet a lot of you may have seen this one coming a mile away but there is a good reason for that. As I said when talking about  Dr. Drakken, I don't consider him KP's arch enemy but rather Shego.  She is in every sense of the word, Kim's equal.   She is just as strong if not stronger than Kim.  Just as smart and could predict KP's next move and be ready with a counter but all of that pales in comparison as  to the main reason why she is on this list.  Shego succeeded where every other villain failed, she was able to defeat Kim.  How?   In the show's first film, A Sitch In Time, she figures out that together Kim and Ron are strong but take them away from each other and Kim  just doesn't fight as well.  She was the one that split Kim and Ron apart and  in the future had taken over the world.

Would you get out of here?

In the future Kim and Ron had gone missing and without KP there to stop Shego,  the world had become a very desolate place.

Here we see  Shego as the dictator and just this image alone is enough to convince me that she is ruthless and cold blooded.   I mean yeah sure at the end of the film, the events are erased and this never happened but even still, for a brief moment someone had defeated our hero and it appeared as though there was no hope left.

In the end, these are my Top 6  Kim Possible villains.  Tell me are there some that didn't make the list that you would have put on here.  Join me tomorrow for a Can We Talk about where I take a look at the live action Kim Possible movie that almost got made.

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