Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 House of Mouse Moments

As many of already know,  House of Mouse is my favorite cartoon series from Disney and there are many great and memorable moments from the show but what do I rank as my favorites, you'll find out soon enough. As today, I'm counting down my Top 6 House of Mouse Moments. The only rule that I've set up is that is must come from an episode. Therefore, nothing from either special will appear on this list as they were not aired as episodes but rather released as Direct-to-Video films.  

6.  Daisy Crockett   


Well, this is certainly a different take on this classic.  Still, it's funny and it's one of Daisy's funnier moments on the show.  It fits the personality they gave her on the show, even if she did alter the lyrics some to fit her style and personality.  It's great for a  chuckle.  

5.  The Parking Garage  in Max's New Car

Max's New Car is probably one of my favorite episodes as Max is one of my favorite characters and probably has one of the one of the greatest cameo scenes in it.  In the garage,  you can find a car from Autotopia, two light cycles from Tron and Susie The Little Blue Coupe.  Seeing all of these are pretty cool for a Disney fan but that is nothing compared to my favorite scene featuring a lovable bug interacting with Max.   

This is probably the coolest scene in the entire episode just for the fact that it's Herbie and even in an animated form, he still has that same charm and it is so cool seeing two of my favorite Disney characters, one from animation and one from live-action interact with each other.     

Before we move on to # 4, there is no way to prepare for what your about to see,   it may cause a burst of laughter after you see this picture.

4.   Hades as Mickey Mouse

That is perhaps one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Just the idea of Hades, lord of the Underworld dressed up as Mickey, the nicest and most genuine  guy around can cause me to burst out in laughter.  The setup for this episode is that Hades has a thing for Maleficent and wants some advice on how to woo her and one of the ideas is a makeover and this is one of the results from said makeover. Best part is that James Wood returned to voice Hades for the show.   This is perhaps one of the funniest things, take it in all it's glory.  

3. No One  Like Gaston


No One Blogs Like Gaston!   Thought,  I'd have a little fun there.  A running gag throughout the show is Gaston would always see someone doing something and he would say that is better at it than by saying something along the lines of what I used to open this description.   Did it mess with character and forget he was menacing?  Yeah but it was a Saturday morning cartoon and this is pretty funny.    Seeing him do this stuff and watching these scenes, you can see how annoying he is to the other customers.   

2.  Dumbo Airlines

Another constant gag the show always did is at the end of each episode is they would promote a service provided by a Disney character such as this one Dumbo Airlines.  The joke here was that Dumbo was an airline for mice and just as with the parking garage scene, it is cameo filled with Disney mice.   You have Timothy of course,  Jaq and Gus Gus,  Bernard and Bianca, and finally Dawson and Basil.   Again I like this for the cameos and the idea of Dumbo being an airline for mice is pretty funny actually.  Also I had to throw in a Dumbo moment somewhere.

1.  Roxanne appearing on House of Mouse in Max's Embarrassing Date


A Goofy Movie is one of my all time favorite films and the fact that we don't see Roxanne in the sequel angered me and don't even get me started on that film as they pretend the first  film never happened.  For a very long time,  I was left wondering what happened to Roxanne and I finally got the answer when someone decided to have her appear on House of Mouse for a date with Max.  Where everything went south not because of Goofy but because of the rest of staff.  Just getting to see Roxanne one more time, made me happy because I liked her character and I was hoping against hope that she'd be integrated into the cast of Mickey and the gang like Max was.  But no that didn't happen and this is the only time that we get to see her interact with the other main cast characters but still, it was nice seeing Roxanne one more time, even if this is the last we saw of her.   

There you have it, my Top 6 House of Mouse Moments. Tell me what you think in the comments.   Peace!


  1. This was great!!!! Nobody comments like Gaston!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks, you glad liked it and your Little Mermaid TAS countdown inspired this list and no one replies to a comment to like Gaston. I should know, he's told me so.

  3. The list was simply awesome. I screamed with delight when I saw Basil in Dumbo airlines picture. Hades's costume of Mickey made me laugh so hard. You just made my day! Nobody likes this review like Gaston!

    1. Glad you liked the list and I have a feeling that No one like Gaston may become a small meme. Yeah, Dumbo Airlines is pretty funny. House of Mouse is an awesome show too, so I wanted to talk about it, even though this is now my third article about this show.
