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A Tribute to Carrie Underwood: My Top 6 Favorite Carrie Underwood Songs

Oh, Carrie. How I love thee.   Oh, sorry.   I know this is another non-Disney countdown but I've had this idea in the back of my head for a while now.  Carrie Underwood is one of my favorite female artists of all time as she has churned out a lot of great songs since her Idol win back in '05 and she's my favorite contestant to ever appear on the show.  Her voice is just gorgeous.   So I've decided to do one last non-Disney countdown as sort of a follow up article to my Garth Brooks cross over with Dark Jak, counting down the songs of my favorite female artist.  Join me as I countdown My Top 6  favorite Carrie Underwood songs but first an honorable mention

Honorable Mention 

Ever Ever After

To start things off,  I have this little gem right here from Disney's Enchanted.   Now I've admitted in the past that I don't believe this to be one of Carrie's stronger performances but nonetheless I still enjoy it and the music video for it is what really sells it for me. There is just something about seeing Carrie Underwood in the 2D Disney animation that I find really cool and I like the core message of this song, that it's okay to have a dream but you need to be willing to work for it and now just because you got your happy ending, it's take work for it to stay alive.

6.  I Told You So (With Randy Travis)

On her 2007 album, Carnival Ride, Carrie covered the Randy Travis song, I Told You So and while I like her version,  I thought wouldn't it be cool if she and Randy Travis did a duet version of it and my wish was granted when one day on YouTube I found this clip from Idol where Carrie Underwood and Randy Travis performed the song together.   I don't know what it is but I think this version works better because I feel like with the Randy Travis, you get the perspective of the man and with Carrie's you get the perspective of the woman but with the duet, you get both perspectives and also I'm a sucker for when the artist of the original does a cover of a song of theirs with another artist.   It's the same reason, I consider the Vince Gill and Dolly Parton version of I Will Always Love You, the best version of that song.

5.   Just A Dream

If there is one thing that most of Carrie Underwood's videos and songs are good at, it would be getting me teary eyed.    Out of all of her videos,  I think this is one is the most tragic and some of the most haunting imagery that helps to drive home the message of the song.  To set up the story,  Carrie plays a young woman is about to get married to a solider who is about to go off to war and during the video, we see the wedding but towards  the end,  the wedding seamlessly turns into the funeral of her boyfriend and we find out the wedding was only in her dream and that the funeral was real and that her boyfriend died in war.   She was broken hearted over losing him and understandably so.  Even though I only ranked this one at # 5,  I find this to be one of Carrie Underwood's best videos. I'll admit that it is hard to watch because of the subject matter but I feel that it is handled in a very tactful and respectful manner.  

4.  All-American Girl

After # 5, how about something of lighter fare?   If you want to understand why I have a crush on Carrie Underwood, just watch this music video.  This is one of the cutest an funnest songs that has been recorded and  I love all of the costume changes in here.  Sure,  it's lighthearted and isn't meant to leave an impression or make you stop and think but not all songs need to be like that and for me, this song can always put me in a good. It's just cute and I love it for that.  

3. Jesus, Take The Wheel

Now, there was no way that this song was getting left off the list.   This is the song that made Carrie Underwood a star and this video is when I first took notice of her. It also made me believe  that with songs like these, she is at her best and puts so much emotion into them that I can't help but be moved each time, I listen to them. The song may be simple in asking for forgiveness and guidance but the raw emotion that is poured into this song makes me believe every word I hear.

2.  Temporary Home

This is in my opinion, bar none, Carrie Underwood's best music video.  I love all she starts out as an observer of everything going on but when he get to the old man, we find out that it is her grandfather. Brilliant,  it adds more weight to this already powerful song.   Also I just love the meaning of this song of  how the idea of Temporary Home means that we may not want to be are we are right now but things will get better eventually.  I believe that, things may not be perfect right now but in due time,  it'll turn out okay.   This is a song that can be described as both sad and happy. Sad with the stories of these but happy that they know things will eventually get better.

1.  The Night Before (Life Goes On)

Have you ever listened to a song on an album that wasn't promoted as a single but you thought that it should've been and it deserved it's own music video but alas it never got one.   This is where my all time favorite Carrie Underwood song comes in.  One Easter, I received Carrie Underwood's album, Some Hearts and while I enjoyed all the songs, this one stood out for me more than any other.  I can't say why but I think that this is a perfect song and has the best story in any of Carrie Underwood's songs.   I'll admit I've never experienced love like what is depicted in the song but that does not stop me from enjoying it.   I can listen to this song at any point and be happy.  I love the story that is told here and playing it out in my head and when this album came out, I wanted this song to get it's own music video because it is that and I think imagery can only enhance the beautiful story in this song.   Out of any Carrie Underwood song, this is the one that I can listen to the most.

There you have it, my Top 6 Carrie Underwood songs.

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