Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 56: More Strange Covers

Hello and welcome back to Music Fridays,  today I'm going to back my favorite forte. Covers and not just any covers but the strangest of the strange. Are they good? Well, let's find out.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  - The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff

There are no words, for the sheer amount of cheesiness that comes from seeing a young Will Smith rapping this song.  In it's own way, it's charming and cute.  On the same token, it is completely dorky but Will makes this so awesome.    I'm not into rap all that much but I like Will and this is just gold.  I wonder if he even remembers doing this.   It is just so beautiful in it's cheesy glory.    There needs to be an ITunes release this as this is perhaps one of the greatest cheesy covers of a Disney song.

When You Wish Upon A Star - Gene Simmons

Here's another one, that I've wanted to look at for the longest time.  I like KISS and I like Gene Simmons but this is the last  song that I'd ever expect Gene Simmons to sing.  Though a little background is needed on the relationship that Gene has with this song.     As you Gene is not originally from the USA but rather I believe Austria and this is the first song he heard when arriving to US shores with his mother after escaping the Holocaust.    In that regard, I can't bring myself to make fun of the song and  there is no need to.   Gene does a good job here and it is very heartfelt and beautiful almost as if Gene is calling back to his childhood days.

The Headless Horseman - Thurl  Ravenscroft

This cover is in a word:  awesome.  I swear  while I love Bing's version,   I just think that Thurl Ravenscroft brings something to this song that makes it so much better for Halloween and honestly,   when I think Halloween for some reason, his voice comes to mind and I just love this one.  How deep his voice gets is amazing and it is just a great listen all around. 

Who's Afraid of The Big Bad Wolf - LL Cool J

Okay, I'll admit I'm not overly familiar with the video that this one comes from and as for LL Cool J, I know nothing about him but it is just me or does this one seem peculiar.   Not bad but odd,   sorta like the Will Smith cover.  I guess I like it but I'm not sure,  I think the biggest issue with this one is I feel like they were trying to make this song too hip and yes you could make the same argument for Will Smith but with Will, I found it more believable.   Again, I like it (I think, I don't know)  but it just seems  like it's own entity.  Which isn't to say it's bad but  different.   

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