Take A Look at Disney


House of Mouse Week: Top 6 Character Appearances

I've made it no secret that I love House of Mouse and starting today, I've decided to do a week dedicated to my favorite show.  Now, I've decided to start this off with a Top 6  Character Appearances.  What do I mean by character appearances? Well,   it can't be any of the regular cast but rather movie/shorts characters and this show always found a fun way to work those characters in.

6.   April, May, & June  -  Ladies Night

Now for the first appearance on our list,  I decided to go with something a little more obscure. From the episode, Ladies Night, it's April, May, & June.   Now at first glance this may not seem to be anything special but really,  this has been the only onscreen appearance that these characters ever had.   They first appeared in the comics as Daisy's nieces and I like the idea of using them for this episode as you see this episode is about the ladies running the club and it fits well and for those not overly familiar with the show, they're filling in for Huey, Dewey, & Louie who were the house band. Who went by different band names throughout the course of the show.  It's just nice to see some rather obscure characters get their time in the spotlight and honestly had it not been for this show,  I still wouldn't know these characters.

5.  Humphrey The Bear -  Humphrey In The House

Here again, I'm going  with another obscure character. Not as obscure as April, May and June and Humphrey has  multiple appearances on the show as guest to the House of Mouse as seen here but  that's not  the reason, I'm putting him on the list.   No you see  in one episode,  Humphrey along with the other bears from Brownstone Park  where Humphrey lives have been hired by Minnie to fill as the janitorial staff as it is vacation time for the regular staff, which happens to be the Magic Brooms but instead of cleaning up chaos ensues and Humphrey tries to swipe food from the guests.   Well, that's what you get when you hire a bear as a janitor.   I think what makes this episode work is that it feels like one of the old Humphrey shorts and here again is a character that you don't often see that often these days.

4. Timon & Pumbaa - Timon and Pumbaa

Now there are two episodes that I could've gone with regarding Timon and Pumbaa but at end of the day, I had to give it to their titular episode as I feel they shine the best in this episode.  In this episode,  they are the entertainment but they break up before the acts because they can't agree on what they want to do and it's up to Mickey to bring them back together.  The reason, I chose this one is because it shows that even though friends may have disagreements that you should not let that get in the way of your friendship and at the end of the day, they get back together and everything works out in the end.  Timon also has a funny running gag throughout the show of trying to eat Jiminy Cricket, with Jiminy being saved by Pumbaa.    I'd say give this episode a watch.

3   Lumiere -  The Mouse That Came To Dinner

Again as with Timon and Pumbaa,   there were multiple episodes that I could've chosen for Lumiere but at the end  of the day, I had to go with The Mouse That Came To Dinner.   The House of Mouse is expecting a restaurant critic and no one knows who it is and Mickey's foe, Mortimer tricks the staff into thinking he is the critic and tries to make the experience a nightmare for the staff.    Mortimer says that he is going to give the restaurant a terrible review  but Lumiere being the true critic knows that something is amiss and informs the staff and it is just so funny to see Mortimer get his due and really,  I think Lumiere makes perfect sense for a restaurant critic.      It's fun and plus I just love the fact that he burns Mortimer's behind.

2.   The Three Caballeros - The Three Caballeros

 Now I'll admit that this kind of going against what I said up top but to be fair Jose and Panchito are not regulars on the show. Let me first break down the synopsis of this episode, it's one I recall well.   The Three Caballeros are to perform at the House of Mouse but after Donald finds out that nobody and I mean nobody can remember him being  a part of the House of Mouse, he tries to change him image by becoming The Duck Formerly Known as Donald,  an obvious parody of when  Prince went by the name, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince and soon everyone loves him and wants his  picture and autograph.  The ladies swoon over him and go nuts.  The gang needs help from Jose and Panchito  to bring Donald back down to earth and show him that he is important to the band.  It's a nice touch and I like that it shows that even though people may not recall your contributions,  it doesn't mean they aren't important and I find it humorous that no one could remember Donald being a member of The Three Caballeros as I for the longest time could not remember the names of  Jose and Panchito.    Fun Fact: This episode originally aired on February, 3 2001.  Why do I bring this up, well Feb 3 is my birthday.

1. Roy E. Disney    -  Ask Von Drake

Okay, so technically  my # 1 isn't  a character but rather a real person but I couldn't pass up this opportunity.   I mean getting to see an animated Roy Disney is all kinds of awesome and talk about breaking the fourth wall. This cameo comes courtesy of a song sung by Ludwig Von Drake as  Mickey is trying to prove that Ludwig doesn't know everything and Mickey asks Ludwig where each guest sit and according to song,  Roy sits next to Pocahontas.   I wonder if that was done one purpose by the animators or not but still, it's funny and don't worry the song will be on this week's Music Fridays.    Again,  I know this one isn't really a character but c'mon how often do you get to see something like this.  This is just all kinds of awesome seeing Roy with the Disney characters.  Granted, this isn't the only Roy cameo because he also had a cameo in a Mickey short that aired on House of Mouse but I wanted to stick to cameos that pertained to the main plot    and while this is brief, I always have a smile on my face with this cameo.  God, this is making me miss Roy so much now.

There you have it, my top 6  Character Appearances on House of Mouse.   Join me tomorrow as I take a look as I take a look at two of the Max episodes in a unique Vs.

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