Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Halloween Music Fridays # 107 : Villain Songs of Broadway

Hello and welcome back to our Halloween celebration here on A Look at Disney.  I've mentioned in the past, that I am a lover of the theater and that is why today, I will be taking a look at villain songs written for the stage. With that out of the way, let's begin.


I always say this, when I listen to this song but I never thought it was possible to take Gaston more of a pompous a-hole, then he already is but this accomplishes that in spades.  I swear this song makes Gaston seem more despicable then he was in the film and y'know, I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Madness of King Scar


Okay,  I'll just come out and say this right now.  I like this song better then Be Prepared as I feel it just gets into the psyche of Scar and it shows that while, he may have won, he ultimately lost because he got in over his head and now, he is questioning himself and if he is a good king and it also shows how his brother still haunts him as a reminder that he was the better king and showing that he cannot escape the shadow of Mufasa.  The thing that makes this song work is that we get to examine the mind of Scar in this number.  And honestly, Scar gets a little creepy with how he hits on Nala but the best part of this song is how it delves into Scar's psyche.

I Want The Good Times Back

An interesting note is that in the stage adaption of The Little Mermaid, Triton and Ursula are siblings and y'know,  I don't mind this change one bit.  My feelings on this song are mixed.  On the one hand,  this doesn't sound like Ursula but that is perhaps because I've never seen the play and I am so used to the film   And I don't know this sounds like the wrong type of genre for Ursula.  That not it's bad but this doesn't sound like Ursula to me. Let me clarify on this, the lyrics sound like Ursula but the music that this song is scored to, does not.  If that makes any sense. Hopefully, the reprise will be better.

I Want The Good Times Back (Reprise)

Now, this is more like it... in the beginning.   It starts out feeling sinister and evil but then it devolves into something silly and loses it's evil touch.  A shame because it started out strong. So far, Ursula sadly has the weakest songs.

The Bottom Line

I recall when I saw Newsies on Broadway for my birthday, this song didn't leave too much of an impression on me and I still feel that way a wee bit but it's good. Like with I Want The Good Times Back,  this is the Villain plotting their scheme but I think part of the reason, I'm easier on this one is well A. I like Newsies more then The Little Mermaid and there really isn't anything to compare it to as Pulitzer didn't have any numbers in the film. And while this one is good, the reprise is so much better.

The Bottom Line (Reprise)

Why do I say this is better?  It adds the element of the taunt and Pulitzer is rubbing it in Jack's face that he had lost and the way, he just tells Jack that you can't have mine, referring to Katherine Plumber, his daughter who Jack fell in love with was very authoritative and got the point across quite well.  Short but in  not your face but Jack's face basically saying give up or we will harm the Newsies.  

There you have it,  my look at Villain Songs of Broadway. I hope that you've enjoyed this. Peace!

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