Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays 105: Playing Your Requests

Hey, how's it going. Your listening to DMF 105.12 with DJ Moviefan. It's another all request hour here on the air. So get in your requests and we will get them played. Trying to make your day a bit smoother as it goes along.  Looks like, we got our first request from Les. He wants to Go The Distance by Micheal Bolton from Hercules. Good choice, see you after the song.

Go The Distance

Now personally,  I prefer the film version myself but this one is all right.  Bolton here really sells it and it is an inspirational piece. I always envision this one after completing a tough task such as an 18 mile hike.  Long story but that actually happened to your DJ, here.   I won't lie,  this song gets me a little misty eyed.  Don't want to get the circuts wet.

Our next request here comes from my good pal, Fusionater.  What has he requested?  Well, let's find out It's He Mele No Lilo

He Mele No Lilo

Ah, the opening song from Lilo & Stitch.  I'll be honest and say that I'd forgotten about this song until it was requested by my pal here but it's a pretty good number and it does certainly set the stage for the film.  It's a rather tranquil piece that perfectly transports you to Hawaii. We've have one more song before our ad break today.

Hmm, let's see something from one of our international listeners.  Ooh, a song from a direct-to-video sequel or they are known on this station, a cheapquel.  Well, let's go ahead and get this one out of the way. From The Fox and The Hound 2,  we have Good Doggie, No Bone.  Okay, who the heck named this?  Let's play this and get it over with.

Good Doggie,  No Bone

Really, Reba, really?!?!   The same woman who sang Fancy, The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia and well, just check our Reba weekend backlog stooped to this.   Did she the money?  I got nothing.  We are going to cut to break right now.

*cuts to break*

Hey, there DJ Moviefan.  How ya doin?  Good, that's great.  Are you like other bloggers tired of  sites that don't seem to care about their blog section anymore?  Well, if that's the case, do I have the answer for you.  Head on over to Manic Expression, where you'll be able to express yourself and while your there, check out some great shows such as Something Cinematic,  Western Thought,  and my personal favorites,  Looking Back In Annoyance and Behind The Webcam.  But if  videos aren't your thing,  no sweat, there is a great blog section as well with great series such as In Too Deep,  Letters To Celestia,  and my very own  series can be found there as well.  Also keep in eye out, this October for the 31 Days of Halloween event as the site gets spook-tacular.  

*back to show*

And we are back,  we've got three more songs to go.   Starting with our  cowboy pal from Nebraska, BigBlackHatMan asking us to take a look at a forgotten gem from Robin Hood. This is The Phony King of England

The Phony King of England

Hmm,  I know a few politicians this song could probably apply to.  Sorry, try to not get too political on the show.  But seriously,  how many politicians are just toddlers in the adults of bodies.  I'm sorry that's demeaning to the toddlers.

Our next request comes from Chilton and it's from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.   It's Hellfire Good song and y'know I normally wouldn't do this but I'm going to include the version that opens with Heaven's Light as that is often overlooked and extremely underrated short song.

Heaven's Light/Hellfire

These two songs are great polar opposites to each other as Quasimodo has discovered happiness and feels free for the first time.  Now with Hellfire, what can be said that hasn't been said.  It's  cited as one of the best villain songs and in part because we see the struggle  that Frollo is going through with his lusting after the gypsy woman.   And it just gets more and more intense as it goes on.

We've got one last request and it's the perfect one to close out on. I don't feel the need to say too much on it. Requested by alexthed,   Why Should I Worry?  

Why Should I Worry?

Not too much,  I can say.  It's Billy Joel and the man knows how to make this song fun.  It's catchy upbeat and memorable. Easily, the best song from this film and a fitting song to close out on.

Thanks, once again for joining us here at DMF 105.12 and thanks again for sending your requests.  Your requests are what make this show possible, people.  This is Moviefan signing out!

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