Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Bad Episodes of Disney Shows I Like

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Today,  I'm borrowing an idea from The Cartoon Hero in which he counted down what he considered the the worst episodes of good shows. Well, today I'm doing the same thing but with Disney shows. With that out of the way, let's begin.

6.  The Amulet and The Anthem - Sofia The First

I've talked about this show in the past and for the most part, I've had nothing but good things to say about but the latest episode proved to be a hiccup because it just falls apart everywhere.  Okay, so the basic plot is that Sofia,  our lead character is chosen to sing the Enchancia anthem  (her kingdom)  and starts to brag to her friends and as a result, her amulet which grants her powers for good deeds and it also curses her for bad deeds as we see in this episode,  it causes her to croak whenever she tries to speak.  That's fine and it's good but my issue stem from three things with this episode,  first Sofia's big sister Amber is a bragger, it's her entire character.  And I feel like this episode is implying that Amber is a bad person for bragging.  Yes, bragging is not a good thing to do but if you are going to punish one character for bragging,  shouldn't a character that constantly brag get some kind of comeuppance.  My second issue is how they use  Cedric,  the show's main villain, his goal is to get Sofia's amulet to take over the kingdom. Well, here's the issue with that,  taking over the kingdom kinda ranks a little higher on the list of doing bad things, then bragging.  And lastly,  Belle appeared in this episode and yeah,  I wasn't impressed by her new voice actress Julia Nathanson.  Nothing against her but she sounded nothing like Belle and unlike the two previous times, when princesses appeared, here it didn't make sense.  Let me elaborate on this, in the film, when Cinderella showed up it made sense because she was trying to help Sofia avoid having the strained relationship that she has Drizella and Anastasia.   Or in Two To Tangu,  when Jasmine showed up,  it was to teach Sofia how to face their fears.   With Belle,  I get that they were trying to go for a comparison of The Beast.  Here, take a listen to the song.

5.   The Three Caballeros - House of Mouse

This is an episode, the more I think about it,  the less I like it.  It's actually surpassed  Pete's Christmas Caper as my least favorite.  My big issue with this episode is the gag that this episode relies on of on one knowing that Donald was a member of The Three Caballeros and yet knowing that Panchito and Jose were. Sure, there were some funny guesses such as Goofy guessing that Annette Funicello was the third Caballero but my issue is that in actuality,  Donald should be the most popular member of the band as he is the one that has been in the spotlight, the longest.

4.  Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel - Phineas and Ferb

Phineas and Ferb, what happened to you?  All of your newer episodes stink!   I was half tempted to put all of the later episodes of Phineas and Ferb on here because this show has lost it's magic.   It's boring now and this special is the perfect example of that.  The Marvel references got really annoying in this episode such as  borrowing form The Avengers such as Tony's line of  "We have a Baljeet"  or them doing the same circular motion with the camera that The Avengers did.  And also maybe I don't know enough about the Marvel superheroes but some of them losing their powers didn't make sense such as Tony,  because to be fair, he really doesn't have superpowers.  It's his suit that is his superpower and also I'm sorry but if the heroes lost their powers,  shouldn't The Hulk have turned back into Bruce Banner.   And let's not mention that  this episode  turned Phineas,  a normally likable character into a grade A jerk towards,  Candace, a character I normally hate and here she was treated as an idiot.  And Isabella actually pointed out something else that bugged me about this episode, when she lamented that she was sad that none of the female superheroes showed up.  I'm with her on that one,   I mean there's Black Widow,  Wasp and  many other female  Marvel superheroes.  Look  I have nothing against the male heroes and I get that they are a bit more popular then their female counterparts but c'mon,  Black Widow was in The Avengers and with how much this thing borrowed from that film,  they couldn't find a way to incorporate her into the story.

3 & 2.  Lax/Spats/Rufus - Lilo and Stitch: The Series

Yep,   I decided to put these three at 3 & 2 because they are that deserving. You probably have the impression that I don't like cross overs.  That's not the case,  it's just that these are examples of bad cross overs.  The issue, I take with all three of these episodes is that they don't know how to do cross overs properly and okay, why did the show even do a Recess cross over because by the time, this show was on the air, that show was done and I'm sorry I'm supposed to believe that  their school could afford to take them to Hawaii  and just the Recess gang and really,  Ms. Finster as the only chaperon.  Where's Principal Prickly or Ms.  Grotke.   Also,  I must admit that it is a little odd that this episode takes place in '05,  while Recess took place in the '90s.   This one is bad and the whole alien causing people to be lazy and relax was one of the lazier experiments on the show and when it tries to zap Gretchen, it does nothing to her because she finds working on science relaxing.  Okay, yeah I can buy that.   Though I will say that this is probably the least bad.  Now let's  talk  about The Proud Family cross over, Spats.   While I can believe that they could go to Hawaii,  my issue is that this episode was just really annoying because the experiment in this episode caused everyone to fight and watching people fight is annoying.   Now let's move onto the one cross over that really angered me, Rufus.  As the title implies, it's a KP cross over.   This episode took one of my all time favorite characters, KP and made me despise her.  Stitch is kidnapped by Dr. Drakken and Pleakley calls Kim to rescue him. That's cool but here's my issue,  KP  tells Lilo to not come along because she didn't think Lilo could handle herself.  KP, you are awesome,  I love ya,  you had the greatest Disney Channel show ever but Lilo can hold her own and has shown this time and time again.  I understand you treating her like a kid because she is one but don't underestimate Lilo, she is a tough kid.   Oh,  yeah I should mention that this episode's title refers to the fact that Rufus is mistaken for a experiment. That's kinda funny but that's pretty much the only thing about this episode, I liked.

1.  Nursery Crimes - Kim Possible

I've gone over this one in the past and I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is the worst episode of KP, out there.  I've already reviewed this episode and explained my issues with how the villain's idea of turning adults into babies was dumb and they were super babies.  That just sounds stupid,  Nanny Nane thought that she could ma more money for worn down nursery by stealing pacifiers.  There is just so much about this episode that doesn't make sense to me and it angers that me that this episode was shown two episodes before the finale.  The idea of  KP babysitting her way to victory is cute but not enough to save this trainwreck.

Love that thing and this sums up things perfectly.  I hope that you've enjoyed this list. Peace!

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