Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Gravity Falls Episodes of Season 1 (with TheOtherDude92)

Moviefan12: Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Gravity Falls is the newest animated series to air on Disney Channel and in my opinion, it is the greatest animated series since Kim Possible to have aired on this channel.    This is creator Alex Hirsch's  first big hit as a creator and he hit out of the park as all of the characters are amazing.  Particularly, my favorite Mabel.  And I have to say thank you for showing a relationship between a brother & sister, where they aren't fighting all the time. That is such a refreshing change of pace. Anyways,  today  I'll be counting down my 6 favorite episodes of season 1 but before I do that,  TheOtherDude92, who is also a fan of the show will go over his favorite episodes from the first season.  Otherdude, thank you for joining me today on A Look at Disney to talk about this wonderful show.

OthereDude: I am glad to be here especially for such a good show. Its a show that lifted my cynicism for Disney television and gave me hope that not all Disney programming had to be a painful sitcom.

Moviefan12:  Indeed,  I very much agree with that sentiment.   Now, what do you say that we get this cross over started?

OtherDude: I say let's begin

Moviefan12: Excellent and seeing as you are my guest, I feel that it is only right that we start with your list.

OtherDude's List

6. Carpet Diem

Moviefan12: Coming in at # 6,  on your list is Carpet Diem.  Some set up, this episode aired as part of Disney Channel's stunt weekend, Freaky Freakend, where each episode of their major shows involved body swap stories.  What is it about this episode that you like?

OtherDude: Sure the concept of this episode is nothing original, it’s a classic body swap story were the main characters play around with this carpet that switches each other’s personalities. However since this is such a well written show, it managed to take a cliche and give it life by being really funny especially at the end when the episode loses its mind and swaps almost everybody, causing nothing, but havoc.

Moviefan12:   Agreed,  and this is the first episode in the series that we really get to see a disagreement between Dipper and Mabel and the conflict works well to show them as brother and sister and how that even though, they love each other dearly,  they still have their bouts where they get on each other's nerves and just wanted their own space and it was shown quite well in this episode.    The sucking up contest was pretty funny too.

5. The Incoveniencing

OtherDude: This episode was the first that really talked about the romantic angle between Dipper and Wendy and what best way to do this then with a ghost story. Dipper drags Mable into hanging out with Wendy’s friends so that he can impress her with his maturity, but ends up having to save them all from two demonic entities. Other than being just another funny episode, it has some of the best representations of teenagers today that just cracks me up every time.

Moviefan12:  This is indeed a great episode and  I think it's one that a lot of us can relate to as we've all had that crush that was older then this and we wanted to act older to show them how "mature and cool", we really are and we get to see that with Dipper as he tries to impress Wendy. As with her friends, they sneak into a haunted  7/11 type shop that is haunted by the old employees who hate teenagers and on first sight, they mess with the teens and it is kinda funny such as trapping in an arcade machine or trapping another on a cereal box, to see old people deliver comeuppance to teens, oh and Dipper's  Lamby dance that saved Wendy's friends was so funny.

4. Bottomless Pit

OtherDude: I think that every great animated show needs an anthology episode were there are multiple stories being told by the characters because most of the time those are my favorite episodes and this episode is no exception. After the characters fall in a bottomless pit, they pass the time by telling stories. Each story is really funny and implements the characters' personalities in each story making them even more entertaining.

Moviefan12:  Anthologies, when done right can be a lot of fun and this episode is no mistake.  I think my personal favorite story is Soos' story of how they got trapped in the pinball machine. Reminded me of an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark,  (which is scarier then Goosebumps) There are very few duds in this one.   I don't want to spoil too much but this is a decent episode and the setting of falling into a bottomless pit was a great idea to use for the anthology style episode.

3. Tourist Trapped

OtherDude: It would be criminal for me not to put the first episode on here because it’s what got me hooked on the show. It introduces me to some of the best animated characters I have ever seen on TV, the mythology is interesting and last introduced a mystery that got me wanting more and more. Top it off with amazing writing and humor and you get a pretty good opener.

Moviefan12:  Yeah, how do I go about this. I didn't like this episode.  Is it bad?  No and unlike the horrid Wander Over Yonder,  I didn't find any of the characters save for Mabel annoying.  Ironic that she's now my favorite character.   The idea that Mabel was dating a zombie that were actually gnomes that wanted her to be their queen was funny but I just found this episode to be kinda boring, actually.  It wasn't until the second  and third episodes, this show hooked me and I knew that I had something fun to watch on Disney Channel.  Again, this isn't a bad episode but I just didn't like it.

2. Fight Fighters

OtherDude: This episode had me rolling on the floor with laughter. The episode involves Dipper getting challenged to a fight and since he doesn't know how to fight he summons a fighting game character from an arcade machine to teach him how to fight. From that point on it’s an onslaught of hilarious video game jokes and references that cements this episode as a must see.

Moviefan12:  Haven't seen this episode in a while but I liked it, the Street Fighter parody was great and I actually feel that this episode did video game jokes better then Wreck-It-Ralph.  Then again,  I don't like that film, so yeah and Tron fans keep an eye out for a Tron parody in this episode.  And I love how Rumble, the video game that Dipper summons is kept in his video game animation, when he is transported to Gravity Falls.   All in all, this is a great episode that you should check out.

1. The Legend of the Gobblewonker

OtherDude:  To me, this is the funniest episode of the entire show. The story is that Dipper wants to take a picture of a legendary lake monster called the Gobblewonker while Stan is trying to find people to fish with him. The main reason why this episode is my favorite is because it has some of the funniest dialogue, visual gags and character humor that brings this episode to the number one spot.

Moviefan12:  This is a decent episode and I like it for the humor and the reveal at the end reminded of Scooby Doo and I'm okay with that as I love that dane.  But I think the big reason, that this episode is that even though throughout the show, Stan is shown to be a sleazeball,  he truly does care for his family aka Dipper and Mabel and wants to spend time with them and you get the sense that old swindler does feel as he is genuinely upset, when his niece and nephew decide not to spend time with him.   This shows that this show that even with all of the supernatural stuff going on,  this show knows how to have a heart and show a relationship between a family perfectly and that is a great theme that is carried throughout the series, that even though, Stan is a bit of dirtbag and a swindler,  when it comes to his family, he truly cares about them.

Well, that was OtherDude's list.  Now it's time to take a look at mine. 

Moviefan12's  List

6.  Headhunters

Moviefan12:  This is the first episode, where I really fell in love with the show.  I actually reviewed this one last year, when the show first debuted and well, the whole plot of Stan opening a wax museum and having Mabel make one of him was funny and the whole mystery of Stan's wax figure being beheaded was actually a pretty fun mystery.  And also,  this episode has two of the most random guest stars, Coolio and Larry King, playing wax figures of themselves.  This is the episode that got me hooked on the show.

5.  Irrational Treasure

Moviefan12:  This episode combines both randomness,  mystery and  fictitious American history.  This episode kinda plays out like out one of the National Treasure film, where there is a mystery to solve about the town's founder, as it turns out, it wasn't actually who people thought it was but rather this man, Quentin Trembley, who is both the founder of Gravity Falls and the 8 1/2 President of the United States.  He won by a landslide,  really.

Hey,  I didn't say what kind of landslide it was.  He makes this episode because wanted to make some rather dumb changes such as outlaw pants and have Supreme Court be made up of babies.  Well, if my joke from the previous Music Fridays is any indicator, he wasn't too far off.   His antics throughout the episode as stupid as they are, just make me laugh really hard.

4.  Land Before Swine

Moviefan12:  This episode was good character development for Stan as we see him become more responsible and caring for Waddles, Mabel's pet pig, who she cares for deeply but Stan kinda hated him.  But being the good uncle that he is, he decides to go through and get him back.  We also see some tension between Dipper and Soos as the latter starts to get on Dipper's nerves.  Oh, and let's not forget that this episode features dinosaurs and Stan punching a pterodactyl in the face. That's kinda awesome.

3.  Double Dipper

Moviefan12: This episode is cute because as OtherDude pointed out,  Dipper has a crush on Wendy and here, we see act on that as he has a 20 step plan to impress Wendy.  And he decides to use a copier to clone himself and it was fun watching try to carry out his plan with the clones.  Even though, he should've known at one point, they would've turned on him as they did.   Also,  a parody of a Don't Stop Believing is all right in my book.

2.  Summerween

Moviefan12:  The town of Gravity Falls loves Halloween so much so that they celebrate it twice a year with Summerween.  In actuality, this was done so that the show could have a Halloween episode and still work it within it's continuity.   That is the Summerween Trickster that is behind our trick-or-treaters.  He's the main villain of the episode and well,  I won't spoil it but the ending was pretty good and tied in well with the message of that it's okay to still be a kid.  As Dipper as you can see is not wearing a costume because he feels that he is too old to go trick-or-treating.

1.  The Time Traveler's Pig

Moviefan12:  This episode is my favorite because of many different reasons. Starting with, the time travel element is done really well.  And Waddles is just adorable as well.  And this episode made Mabel, my favorite character because even though she is quirky and upbeat,  she has genuine love to give and when she won Waddles at the carnival in this episode, you could see how much, she loved him.  And through all the different times to fix things on Dipper's end with Wendy, he causes his sister to lose Waddles but he fixes and we get to see the start of one of the cutest relationships starting to blossom on the show.

OtherDude92: Very nice list, I enjoy the you and me both thought outside the box a little when it came to are lists. In fact I'm surprised that both of use didn't put what is considered the best episode, Gideon Rises.

Moviefan12:  Thank you again for joining me on this list.  It was a pleasure to talk about this show.  

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