Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 117: Sofia and The Princesses (Sofia Week)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and well, here we are the finale of Sofia Week.   We are closing by taking a look at the music of the show, to be more precise, the songs that Sofia sang with the princesses.  Now, I'll be going in the order that these lovely ladies appeared on the show.  And now yes,  I've gone over a few of these songs in the past but I don't care, I like them.  Having said that,  our first song takes us all the way back to 2012, when Sofia was still learning how to be a princess and Amber was a big jerk to new sister and the amulet brought Cinderella to help teach Sofia, a lesson about sisterhood.

True Sisters

I'll be honest and say that this is probably my favorite song featuring one of the Disney princesses.  In many ways, it's a bit tragic as Cinderella is pointing out to  Sofia that  she never got to have a relationship with her sisters because after she married Charming, she turned her back on them and she never extended an olive branch to give them a second branch and it appears as Cinderella sees that and while yes, Amber did fall into the jealous step-sister role in the film,  Cindy here pointed out that we should  try to give people, another chance, even if they have been mean to us.  Listen to their side of the story.  Though, to be fair,  I'm not so sure,  what Amber did to Sofia while mean,  compares to her step-sister tearing up her dress but hey, at least Sofia and Amber have been able to avoid having that relationship.  And honestly,  with shows like this and Gravity Falls, it's nice to see siblings depicted that get along. Sure, they have their differences but they get along and aren't constantly fighting.  Now let's move on see and what Princess Jasmine had to teach Sofia and Amber.

The Ride of Your Lives

Jasmine's appearance was a bit different as you see here, Sofia and Amber had gotten lost on their way to another kingdom dealing with a wild carpet.   Jasmine came to help show both sisters that they needed to work together to tame the wild carpet.  And it was cute and worked well for what the message was going for.  And also Jasmine brought Carpet with her. That was a nice touch.  This was very cute and very fun song.

Make It Right

A lot of fans seem to have reacted, the same way I did to Belle's new VA.   And as I said yesterday, that's not fair.  As for this song, it is cute and I think it teaches one of the most important lessons in the show.   That we went over in the review, yesterday.  Also hearing Sofia's little grunt at being frustrated by the croak is just adorable.  Besides that though, this song is so so.   I mean, it's grown on me over time and Belle was used well here but I think the croaking kills the song.  I get that's the point of the song but I'd almost like to hear a version without it.

The Love We Share

Okay,  I'm glad that Jodi is voicing Ariel.  She's still got it but why is Ariel, a mermaid?  Because,  if we go by Cinderella's appearance, Sofia's story takes place after the films.  Minor but it doesn't deter from my enjoyment of the song.  Though,  I do think that admittedly, this is the weakest princess song to date.  It's not bad and I do enjoy it but nothing about it really stands out, either.

And thus Sofia Week comes to a close.  I hope that you've enjoyed my look at this show.  Peace!

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