Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 126: A Tribute To Creepy

 Hello  & welcome  back to Music Fridays.  If you follow  ThatLongHairedCreepyGuy.  You'd know that YouTube has to put it bluntly have been acting  like jerks towards Creepy with flagging videos and whatnot.  And it's a shame that they are mistreating such a great reviewer.  I knew that when I saw the news, I wanted to do something special for Creepy.  That's why today's  Music Fridays is all about music from 4 of his favorite Disney films.  First up, Beauty and The Beast.  What a coincidence, Creepy and I just covered Belle as a part of my Princesses retrospective series and I must say it was an honor and a dream come true to work with Creepy.

Now  I do apologize  about these videos coming from YouTube but they are the easiest way to find these songs.  Just because I am using videos from their site does not mean I condone their actions.


We  kick things off with my favorite song from Beauty and The Beast.  I just love this song as it  does a fantastic job of introducing us to Belle and the Little Town from the movie. And the way, Paige O'Hara sings in this number is just gorgeous.  She kicks it outta the park with  her singing and I would say only behind Jodi Benson, she has the best princess voice.  This is just a great number that gets you excited for the rest of the film and I'd argue, the reprise, which is included is just a good, if not better as it really digs into who Belle is and let's the audience know, who she is and what she really wants.

Prince  Ali

How many times have I talked about Aladdin, this year and it's only  April.    Still,  this is a great number thanks in large part to Robin Williams, who just knocks  it outta the park with his high energy and just gets the audience in on the fun of this number and remember, he's got the monkeys, he's got the monkeys. Man, this number is just a blast.

I'll  Make  A Man Out of You 

To anyone that thinks Donny Osmond can't be cool. Listen to this song.  That's right, Donny Osmond sang this piece of awesomeness.   There is a reason that this is most well remembered song from this movie, it's simply one of the best Disney songs ever.   It's  a great manly song to pump you up.  This  is a number that just  leaves you shouting, "Yeah!"

Touch The Sky

Y'know  I don't think I've watched Brave since I saw it in theaters.  I can't really recall what my first impression of Merida was.I think I'd place Brave amongst the higher end of my favorites from Pixar but than again, you are talking to a guy that puts Cars at number one and Toy Story 3 in the bottom three.  That aside, this song is really good and I can't believe that I've overlooked it for this long.  It's very pretty and compliments the gorgeous animation from  the movie quite well.  And more importantly,  it invokes the feeling of actually being in Scotland and makes you as though you have gone back in time. Beautiful song that I really need to add to my library.

Creepy,  I am sorry for what has happened and   I wish you were treated better as you deserve better.  You are in my opinion one of the greatest reviewers out there and I know this won't do much but I wanted to do something for you as you are a very cool person.  I hope that you enjoyed this.

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