Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 151: Songs Cut From Cinderella

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we once again continue our Cinderella themed blogs by taking a look at the 3 songs that were ultimately cut from the film for whatever reason. With that out of the way, let's begin.

I'm In The Middle of A Muddle

This song is fun and I get what it's  going for with Cinderella feeling overworked and over-stressed with all of the work that Tremaines have put on her but I dunno that seems out of character for this Cindy.   She always did things gracefully and tried to show kindness to everyone and didn't complain about the work that had to be done.  I will say that this song if nothing else is catchy.

The Cinderella Work Song

Now admittedly, this song  has the same theme as the previous song but I like it better as I think it's a bit more fun and the idea of multiple Cinderellas is creative and I really enjoy this sequence.  The animation reminds me of something that you'd see in Fantasia.   This song is just a bunch of fun as the army of Cinderellas just keeps growing and growing.   Out of the three songs that we are looking at this is probably, my favorite.

Dancing On A Cloud

Now, we come to the the love song that was replaced by So This Is Love.  The idea as you can see here is that Cinderella and Charming are so enthralled with one another, they feel as though they are dancing on the clouds.  This isn't a bad love song and I do enjoy it for what it is but I think So This Is Love works better in terms of getting the love these two for felt each other across.   Again, not a bad song and I do enjoy it.  It's a sweet love song but I think the one that the film did end up using is just better.

There you have it, my look at the three songs that were cut from Cinderella.   What did you think of these songs?  Which was your favorite? Let me know in the comments. Peace!

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