Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Opens The Toy Box: Music Fridays # 156: Toy Story Covers

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney Opens The Toy Box. And well, after today, we will be closing the lid on the toy box.  So join me as we close out this event by looking at covers of the Toy Story songs.  Let's begin.

You've Got A Friend In Me - George Jones & Kathy Mattea 

We start with You've Got A Friend In Me as sung by George Jones & Kathy Mattea from  The Best of Country Sing The Best of Disney CD.  I think that this may have been one of the earliest George Jones songs that I ever heard and this duet here is short but sweet fun take on the signature song of Toy Story.

I Will Go Sailing No More - Micheal Crawford 

I was originally going to use Charlie Louvin's bluegrass cover of this song but then just came across Micheal Crawford's version and had to listen to it. The original Phantom doing Disney covers, yes please.  Crawford's  voice brings a very showmanship quality to this production and I could easily picture this as a part of a (good) Toy Story musical with Buzz singing it to himself as internal dialogue.

When She Loved Me  -  On The Record


I've always found it interesting that On The Record's  show had When She Loved Me sung by a gentlemen.  I'm not sure what the context in the production was but I've always pictured this version as a man dealing with the breakup from a woman that he truly loved.  And he doesn't think that he can ever love another, the same way he loved her as she was his true love. And that is  just another way to make this song heartbreaking.

Yeah...  I think if I want Donny Osmond Disney songs,  I'll stick with "I'll Make A Man Out of You".  It's not that this is bad and Rosie is fine here too but his voice just doesn't seem to fit the song. It's a fun and cute cover to be sure but I just feel like Donny's voice doesn't match the song.  Where on the other hand, Rosie's does.  I dunno,  maybe it's just me.

And now we come to the end of our Toy Story event. I hope that you've enjoyed this event as much as I have. And I'm already working on next year's theme.  Not gonna tell what it is as it may change over time. Peace!

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