Take A Look at Disney


Halloween: Music Fridays # 162: Songs Sung By Gaston

Hello & welcome back to the Halloween celebration here on A Look at Disney and we kick off the musical festivities by looking at songs sung by one of my favorite Disney villains, Gaston but seeing as he only has 3 songs, I'm going to throw in something special at the end.


This is something that I'll touch upon in my Villains Profile of Gaston but you see how the town fawns over Gaston because to them, he's the greatest thing ever.  And they are in love with him and would do anything for him. At any cost.   Because to them, Gaston is the greatest and we see that here with how much, they love the guy.  

The Mob Song

This ties into what I said up top as it shows how the town is willing to Gaston and anything he says. It doesn't matter, even if what he  says is wrong because they'd follow him anywhere and do anything for him.  And we also see Gaston here using fear tactics to get the job done.  While Gaston's first song is fun,  I feel as though, this is true villain song.  This song shows you how evil, he can truly be. And that is a scary thought.


This song is corny and cheesy but I love it.  Because really, it fits where Gaston was at the beginning of the story.  And it's nothing but Gaston stroking his already over inflated ego and it fits his pompous personality to a tee.  

Gaston (Hugh Jackman)

Yes in the Australian production of Beauty and The Beast, Hugh Jackman played Gaston.  That is just perfect casting and I do enjoy his Gaston here but dear lord, could someone please shut up this Lefou?  His voice is just so squeaky and annoying.  That it makes listening to this version of the song a bit hard. It's not bad but I think I'd stick with the film version. Still, I would have loved to seen Hugh Jackman in this role.

There you have it, my look at the songs sung by Gaston plus a special look at Hugh Jackman's version of this villains' most popular song. Let me know what you thought in the comments.  Peace!

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