Take A Look at Disney


Figment # 2 (Journey Into Imagination Part Two)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our look at the Figment mini series from Marvel's Disney Kingdoms line as we look at the second issue in the first mini series.  I imagine now that Figment has been introduced that it'll pick up quite some here in this issue.  


I adore this cover, it's just stuffed with cuteness as we see Figment and a new cover that is to be introduced in this comic, the Chimera just flying around in the skies.  

The Plot

The comic opens with a recap of the previous issue but no need to cover that as I've already reviewed that issue.  Now, let's get into the story proper.  We pick up, where the first issue left off with Blair narrating about his life.

Ever since I was a young lad, I dreamed of travelling to exotic places and having grand adventures.  

And we see Blair and Figment continually falling through the hole that was at the end of the first issue.   Blair and my favorite little dragon are  scared of what's happening.  Well, I can't say that I blame them too much as they falling from the sky.   Blair's narration continues as he explains that he explains going through portals wasn't exactly what he had in mind.  And this brings us to the title page of the second issue.  As our heroes continue to fall and Blair tells Figment to hold on and Figment replies with.

I'm holding, I'm holding!

This may be an overdone joke but I love it as it's really cute and now Blair informs Figment to flap his tiny little wings.  And he's flapping, he's flapping.  They are still falling as they fall on an odd looking flying creature.  And they are about to land as they crash.  Figment thought that was exciting but Blair thought otherwise. And Blair points out the grass they've landed on is more like hair than grass.  I hope that it's been conditioned.  Though Blair has no idea, where they are and asks Figment, if he does and it seems to be otherwise.  Though Blair takes in the beauty of the new location that they are in as we get a cute exchange between Blair and Figment as they both gaze at how gorgeous, their new location is.

Blair: Where this is.. how this happened..
Figment: I dunno, but it's pretty neat, eh?
Blair: It's.. it's marvelous.

Now, Blair is trying to figure out how his invention was able to bring them to this place.  Blair is confused to as how mind energy is able to become matter. And Figment has a great response.

The same way you made me! Mind over matter!  If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter!

But Figment is told by Blair that it does matter.  But then something happens and it get's Blair's attention and Figment wants to explore after telling Blair that he talks too much.  Blair comes to agree with the little dragon for now. Blair wants to get shelter after the clouds that startled them caused Blair to get moving.  And here, we see a giant raindrop fall on Blair and big raindrops keep falling from the sky.  And they keeping falling on our heroes.  And they find a cave to hide in with a beautiful silhouette of our main characters come from their shadows as they enter the cave.  And Figment dries off and gets water out of his ears as it makes a squirt squirt sound.  Even the sound effects for Figment are adorable.  And Figment thinks that this is the perfect time for a pun.

Figment: Well, I hope this hasn't dampened your enthusiasm.
Blair: ...
Figment Get it? "Dampened"?!
Blair: Yes, yes. Charming.  

Blair states that without the Mnemonic Converter, he has no idea how they'll be able to.  Though Figment's spirits remain high as he assures Blair that they'll think of something.  But a roar coming from the cave that our heroes found shelter startles the two.  And from there, we cut back to the Academy, where the Chairman is still shouting at Blair trying to figure how to turn off the the machine off.  Yeah, that's nice and all but can we get back to the fantasy setting.   Though the Chairman is still looking for a way to turn off the machine. And put on the helmet that Blair used to bring Figment to life with his thoughts.  And the Chairman starts to make a grim mistake.

This.. this madness must stop!  I require ORDER!  

The Chairman realizes that Blair's invention is brilliant and wishes that the boy had come to him sooner before turning it on and setting things loose.  And all of the sudden, out of the mind portal comes what looks like a robotic arm with a red eye flashing and it grabs the Chairman and well, things are about to get pretty bad for the Chairman here. The robot that we see in full asks a rather deep question.

What do you know about control, fleshy animal? 

The Chairman is quite understandably scared and asks the robot what he is.  And he replies as such.

I am the Singular, commander of clockwork control.    

And the Singular says  that this location requires structure.   We cut back to the cave that Blair and Figment were taking shelter in as the monster that was roaring at them is starring at them with purple eyes that seem to be piercing through their souls.  And the creature then whips his tongue out to lick Blair and after licking six buttons on Blair's outfit,  Blair isn't having any of it.  And this is when we are introduced to the Chimera and she's a quite a cutie.  She was just hungry. She tries to eat a watch that Blair's mum gave him.  But she still tries to take it but Blair isn't having any of this. But the Chimera is so powerful that her tongue launches Blair into the sky and causing him to fall on the ground as she holds onto the watch. As she runs off with it and Figment is just excited that she wants to play.   That does bring up a question that I have though, how did Figment know that the Chimera was a girl?  Ah well, I'm putting too much thought into it. And after running after the girl, we see Blair hop onto the back of the Chimera. And Blair gets his watch back and Figment is just excited that they've made a friend.  Blair figures that  the creatures made be created from the same material that brought Figment to life.

She may be made of the  same imagination material as you are, Figment. Some kind of raw dream manifestation.

Oh, and she eats metal.    Blair takes a liking to the Chimera and tells the cute girl that they'll play later. And Figment says that maybe their new friend can take them around and show them what's dangerous but the dragon is soon cut off by flying blue looking pixie like creatures as they are silenced and Blair is astonished to see that these creatures can speak English.  But the creatures tells Blair to stop sounding.   And these creatures start to make a rather ne-ne-ne sound.  Yeah,  and they found Blair's talking grating.  According to Blair, this is sound to matter manifestation.  And Blair and Figment are almost captured but the Chimera comes to their aid with a loud roar that blows away the creatures that were about to take Blair and Figment prisoner.  The Chimera runs off and they decide not to go after her as they feel that she's a lesser loss and these blue flying creatures turn their attention back to Blair and Figment.  Blair and Figment try to tell these creatures that they mean no harm but they aren't having any of it. And the comic ends with our heroes captured by these new creatures.  Not knowing, what's going to happen next.

The second issue was much better than the first issue.  The pacing was great and the new setting that Blair and Figment landed in due to the mind portal just feels so creative and well, imaginative.  Such a step up from the London setting that we saw in the first issue.  And  the introduction of the villain of the piece, The Singular makes for an intriguing story that I think will only get better as the story moves forward.


Main Characters


Blair is really stepping into his own in this issue.  He really seems to be stepping up to the plate of leader here and he doesn't seem as frazzled and wound up as he did back in London.  Oh sure, he's still got some of that to him but he seems more relaxed now.  And he didn't beat himself up as much here as he did back at the Academy.


Figment continues to be the highlight of this mini series as everything that he does is great and just feels like Zub has the same love for Figment that I and many others have.

Supporting Characters

The Chimera

The Chimera may just be one of the most adorable Disney characters ever. Everything with her playful tone is just so cute.  She's like a little puppy, well a big puppy that can fly and just wants to fly and protect her friends from being hurt.


The Singular

We don't get too much with The Singular here but from the little that we are shown of him, it's clear that he's the type of villain that wants complete order and doesn't think that humans can understand order.   

My Final Thoughts

The second issue really picks up the slack after the first issue and the story gets really good here.   The new setting makes for a truly entertaining read and this was easily one of the highlights of this mini series.  Join me next time as we continue our look at the Figment mini series as we look at the third issue.

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