Take A Look at Disney


House of Turkey (House of Mouse Episode Review)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney. And today, we return to the House of Mouse to look at their Thanksgiving episode.  And well,  I gotta be honest and say that this was a strange episode to say the least. There isn't really all that much to say about it.

Episode Title

House of Turkey

Pretty simple title as it refers to both the holiday and the show itself.

The Plot

The Turkey comes to House of Mouse to show that he is more than just a comedic figure that goes gobble gobble.  And he wants to show that by singing but it's not easy because while he may be the guest of honor, everyone wants to eat him.  And we get plenty of hi-jinks from Daisy trying to get the Turkey to sign her autograph book to Gaston chasing The Turkey to shoot it to Gus Goose wanting to cook The Turkey.


And that is the basic premise of the episode.   It's funny but there isn't much more to it than that.  Finally, at the end, The Turkey does sing and it's just Turkey In The Straw.  And as Minnie points out,  it's just the gobble gobble thing again.   And yet The Turkey was making such a big deal about not being that character anymore.   And the episode ends after the guests pretend to be well behaved and not want to eat The Turkey but we see the truth as they get unruly and we see that'll do anything to eat The Turkey and it's up to Mickey to figure out to get The Turkey out of the House of Mouse.  And The Turkey's idea is for him and Mickey to switch places, so Mickey is now dressed up as The Turkey and the episode ends with the house-guests chasing Mickey as they they think that he is The Turkey.



And that is pretty much, House of Turkey in a nutshell.  It's really just one long gag of the guests wanting to eat The Turkey.


There are really only two characters that need to be looked at. With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Turkey voiced by Jeff Bennett 

The Turkey proved to be less funny version of Mr. Pricklepants from Toy Story 3.  In that,  he was a Thespian that took his craft seriously but looked on his past work with shame.  And the joke of him being a singer and just singing Turkey In The Straw with gobbles was funny but I had the same reaction as Minnie. I get the joke, the show was going for but with the way that The Turkey was carrying himself, it wasn't that funny and The Turkey came off being a bit snobbish.

Mickey voiced by Wayne Allwine 

Out of all the House of Mouse staff, Mickey had the most to do in this episode as he was trying to protect The Turkey and looking out for him. And making sure that he wasn't eaten.  You could see that Mickey was truly concerned about the well being of his guest but that's about it.

My Final Thoughts

This episode is okay.  It's not bad but the joke does wear thin, pretty fast.  It's not one that I'd say is worth checking out, if you haven't seen it.  At the end of the day, it's nothing too special. Peace!

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