Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we are heading back to the world of comic books. Say, what was the last comic book that I reviewed anyways?
That.... Yeah, I can safely say that this story is quite a bit better than that story. It's perhaps the oldest comic story that I'll be reviewing on here as well as it takes us back to 1941. You see about a year ago at my local Sam's Club, I came across a book that had a collection of reprints of vintage Disney comics. Most of them are just comic adaptations of Disney movies such as Snow White, Bambi, Alice In Wonderland, & Peter Pan.
However, there was one that stood out as it was a crossover. Crossovers in comics are nothing new as this week, Linkara will be looking at a crossover between Superman and Spider-Man and if you want a more recent example and one of that is made of pure awesome, IDW did a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters crossover

However, this crossover stands out for other reasons because first as stated, it predates both of the aforementioned crossovers and until something like Once Upon A Time and Kingdom Hearts came along, these comics were the only way to see classic Disney characters interact with each other but when this came out, Dumbo wasn't a classic Disney character yet as his film came out in the same year that this comic was published and Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs was only 4 years old. And from the little research that I have done, it appears that A. this was actually the first in a line of crossovers featuring The Seven Dwarfs and Dumbo as their are images online of a comic with the same exact title but it is a completely different story than the one I read. So, that's going to make talking about the artwork a bit tricky but I can safely say that from looking at it, it is gorgeous and oh, Dumbo would not be the only character that The Seven Dwarfs would cross over with as they would meet a certain little rabbit that friends with The Great Prince.
Yes, there was actually a crossover where Thumper met The Seven Dwarfs. I'd asked what the setup was but I asked the same thing about the Seven Dwarfs and Dumbo cross over. If I can find a print of this online, I am reviewing it because I am slightly intrigued by the idea of something so absurd intrigues me but then again the idea of a Dumbo/Seven Dwarfs crossover also seemed kinda silly at first.
Anyone that has followed this blog for a lengthy period of time knows that Dumbo is one of my favorite movies of all time. It was the theme of the very Birthday Week celebration here on A Look at Disney and until Tangled came along, Dumbo was my favorite Disney movie. So, you can perhaps understand that I'd be a bit more critical of something starring a character from one of my favorite Disney movies. And considering that this also features characters from Walt Disney's first animated feature, I feel it only right to keep a keen eye on how they are portrayed. Having said that, it has been a while since I've watched both of these movies but I will say that the Seven Dwarfs do seem in character and understandably for a medium like comics, the people behind this story had to create a character for Dumbo beyond being cute. Which includes having him talk. Dumbo talks.... I'm getting flashbacks to something.
I've tried to repress memories of that show. Curse you, cheap gag, curse you! Ahem, I think I have stalled long enough.
Considering that I read this from a collection, we will be skipping the cover page and alas the team behind these stories weren't listed. I have to wonder if that was because the people publishing these comics thought the general buying audience only needed to know that these comics starred Disney characters. Though, I do have to wonder how far apart the release of this comic was from Dumbo's theatrical release because I don't if this could have been a tie-in to the movie. I'm not saying that it's not possible but this story seems to indicate that audiences would have a familiarity with Dumbo. Though I must imagine if that were the case and one saw the movie and then picked this up, they would most likely find the notion of Dumbo talking jarring to say the least. With this rather long-winded introduction out of the way, let's begin the review proper.
The Artwork
As I explained in the introduction, there do not seem to any prints of this issue of this issue as I said, there is another story with the same title and it look as though, it went on to become a series. Looking at the artwork here, the artist (I feel bad that I couldn't find the name) truly did a good job of capturing the stylized nature of Disney movies and at the same time, giving it a warm embrace as reading this comic with these characters in a new story set in a familiar setting fills as though, you are returning to visit them once more.
The Plot
There really isn't much in terms of plot here. It's more or less just showing off Dumbo hanging out with The Seven Dwarfs. Which granted is a lot of fun but is a little flimsy. Granted, it's not trying to be a big grand epic like say Batman V. Superman
Because A., it's actually kinda fun and doesn't take itself too seriously. Besides, who wants to grim realistic portrayal of Dumbo. They'd probably get Tim Burton to direct it, if Disney thought about remaking Dumbo. Oh...OH.. moving on! So, what is the setup for this story? It takes place sometime after the events of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Seven Dwarfs are sad and lonely without Snow White around as she has now moved into the castle with the Prince. And just as they are thinking that, The Huntsman who now delivers messages for Snow White and The Prince shows up with a package. It's a present from Snow White for The Seven Dwarfs. What did Snow White give her friends? A magic lamp...
Genie, I love ya but your movie wouldn't be out until 51 years after this comic was published. The Dwarfs all think of something to wish for and one of them (hard to keep track of all them, had that problem in the movie too) suggests that wish that Snow White was back living with them in the cottage but Grumpy says that they can't wish for that as that would take away her happiness. But Bashful and Doc come with the idea to wish for a new friend. They say playmate but I dunno something about The Dwarfs saying playmate sounds off. Considering that they have jobs and all. And just as they are about to go and make their wish, a gust of wind comes blowing in. (If they do a modern sequel and Mary Poppins shows up, I'm outta here) and Doc tells Dopey to close the window as there is something outside trying to get it. And it or he rather does make it in. Dumbo has shown up. Yes, Dumbo literally just flies into one of the panels and that's his introduction. Hmm, not bad. However, I do have a qualm, it's nothing to do with the talking as I imagine the writer behind this wanted to show a period of growth between Dumbo's film and this comic as with him talking, we can assume that it takes place after the movie. But my issue is that other than seeing Dumbo fly, there are no indicators that the elephant that we are looking at is Dumbo as he's not wearing a circus hat or heck, you could have him wear the aviator goggles that he wore at the end of the movie, when he was reunited with Mrs. Jumbo Oh, spoilers... for a really old movie
Or keep the more traditional look and have him in a circus hat but again, perhaps I'm being too harsh here as this as stated came out the same exact year as the movie but without an identifier such as the circus hat, it takes a while to pick up on the fact that the elephant, you are looking at is indeed Dumbo. About the meeting between our 8 leads, how does that go, something like this
Sneezy: What Is it? I never seen anything like it before!
Grumpy: What it is, it can't be real!!
Dumbo: Yes, I am real!! My name's Dumbo!!
Oh, and while reading that picture Dumbo, a baby elephant sitting on top of Doc. The expression on Doc's face that you are picturing, probably isn't that far off from the one he makes. When Dumbo finally gets off of on top of Doc. (That is one of the weirdest sentences that I've ever typed), Doc, what Dumbo is. And Dumbo tells them, that's he an elephant and here is where we learn that the Seven Dwarfs have no idea what an elephant is. They've lived most of their lives in a forest and elephants aren't exactly native to forests. Okay, while I'll let that slide, this comic does seem to have the Dwarfs act kinda dumb. I know that they weren't the brightest characters in the original film but there is a groan-worthy moment, when Grumpy thinks that Dumbo's trunk is a second tail. Again, elephants aren't native to forests but wow! Anyways, Dumbo stays and agrees to be the Dwarfs' new friend and the next day after Dumbo's arrival, The Dwarfs sans Dopey head of to mine to dig, dig, dig all the live long day. Dopey and Dumbo (That sounds like the name of an '80s buddy cop flick) stay and play as Dumbo shows off his flying skills. Okay, I just had a realization, you have two characters that would go on to become two of the most iconic silent characters in Disney's history and one of them is talking. Weird! Even more so, when Dumbo scolds, yes scold Dopey for trying to fly. As Dopey climbs to top of the cottage and jumps off and wiggles his ears to fly. Okay, that's pretty funny and Dumbo scolds him by saying...
You must never do that again, Dopey! Only birds and elephants can fly!!
Hey, what about pigs? Well okay, we know that they can't fly and uh, Dumbo as far as the world knows, you are the only flying elephant. That's what makes you unique. Unless you've been hanging out with some other flying elephants that Timothy Q. Mouse doesn't know about. No matter, sometime after this, Dopey goes for a flight on Dumbo. I'm surprised that's comfortable for the little elephant and soon enough, they spot The Huntsman stuck on a ledge. We learn that he was pushed over the edge of the cliff that they are standing on by The Wicked Prince, the brother of The Evil Queen (Comic calls her Bad Queen but I've always liked Evil Queen more) and apparently, he's now ruling the land. Don't you just hate those siblings that you don't know about until the story calls for it....
Hey, that episode gave us Princess Cadance aka best MLP Princess (and no I didn't misspell Luna) Apparently, The Wicked Prince tried to kill The Huntsman as he hates him for saving Snow White and apparently, he hates The Seven Dwarfs by association. Aren't those guys just the worst? Dumbo flies The Huntsman out of the cliff. Again, I doubt that is good for the little pachyderm's back. And he leaves Dopey all by himself on the top of a cliff in front of a tree and The Wicked Prince and is hiding behind it and the Huntsman and Dumbo head to the top of the cliff to discover that Dumbo is missing. To quote Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, "He's gone" Though Dopey was just being oblivious to his surroundings picking flowers and that left an opening for The Wicked Prince to capture him. And that's when The Wicked Prince goes into get him. And as The Huntsman and Dumbo climb to the top, they discover his revelation and Dumbo decides that he must warn the other Dwarfs and warn them he does. As we see that Dopey has been locked in a tower. Did this guy mentor Mother Gothel? He tells the others and Dumbo and Doc head off to save Dopey and I have to give this page some credit as the tower is all red. Part of me thinks that may be because they had difficulty reprinting this page but I'm more than hoping it was the intent of the story as it adds a sense of foreboding and fear to the situation that has not been seen in the rest of the story. Anyways, Doc tosses down a rope to Dopey for him to climb up as Dumbo uses his trunk to break the bars. Dumbo, what have you been eating? Or did you see some Pink Elephants before going to save Dopey? They save Dopey and fly off as The Wicked Prince looks on angrily and the story stops (won't say ends ) with the characters going off to meet Snow White. If I could borrow a phrase from a once good reviewer...
And this story is one that if you think about it for a while is weird as there is no explanation for how Dumbo and The Seven Dwarfs could exist in the same universe. They just do! It's not something that you should put a lot of thought into (unless you are reviewing it like me) but even with the weirdness aside, is it any good? Yeah, it's pretty enjoyable. It's goofy as all get out but comics are allowed to be goofy. It's just a fun little story that set up this apparent series.
Main Characters
I know the Seven Dwarfs are listed first in the title but if you read the story, Dumbo is actually the most active character in the story as he gets the most to do and he is the one that takes the most charge in the story.
The Seven Dwarfs
Understandably, not all of The Dwarfs got time in the limelight here with most of the focus going to Dopey in the latter half of the story but from the minimal interaction, we saw at the beginning, they seemed in character, even if they did say some rather dumb stuff.
Supporting Character
The Huntsman
It was nice to see The Huntsman in bit more of a supportive role, where he isn't actively trying to kill someone against his will. You take that away and he's an alright guy.
The Wicked Prince
This guy came outta nowhere. I'm not even sure that this story needed a villain. The interactions between Dumbo and The Seven Dwarfs were fun as they were. He felt kinda shoved in and the backstory behind his existence sounded more than a little forced. I even checked the Snow White adaptation in the same book to see if he shows up there and nope. So, as far as I can tell, he's a completely brand new character created for this story.
My Final Thoughts
This is an odd little gem from an era long gone by but as I've stated before, it's pretty enjoyable and one that while silly, I had a blast reading. If you are interested, I'd say try and track it down but I don't know how much luck you'll have in that department. Peace!
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