Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 180: Santa Spectacle

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney, and today we continue our Santa Spectacle by looking at some Disney songs about the Man in Red.   Let's begin.

Here Comes Santa Claus  

We kick this off with the Disney characters singing about Santa coming in their take on this classic number.  I like this number but some of these voices such as Goofy have always sounded off to me.  I've always wondered if this song was made, while they were in the transition of finding new voice actors for these characters or if they didn't use the regular voice characters for this because it's a Christmas album.

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 


Yeah, I'll admit that I like this one better and the Mickey here sounds a lot better than the one from the last song and Minnie here proves that she has a natural singing voice. And that sounds more like the Goofy that I know singing this song. And that makes it all the more enjoyable for me. 

Thank You, Santa

This one comes from the Phineas and Ferb Christmas special, Christmas Vacation.  It's from the end of the special and I gotta say that I love it as very rarely, do you ever hear in any specials, people showing appreciation for Santa and it's a sweet gesture and just puts a smile on my face.   

I Wish I Could be Santa Claus 

Consider this one, a preview of a future review and there is something special about The Muppets around this time of year and for me, this is the most heartfelt.  I know that this special gets a bad rep but I think it's pretty cute and this song shows why and it shows why Gonzo perhaps has the biggest heart of all The Muppets.   This number perfectly encapsulates the feeling of wanting to do right by people and make sure, that they get what they want.

I hope that you've enjoyed this special Music Fridays. Join me next time as we resume the Santa Spectacle as I look at...

Ernest Saves Christmas

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