Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 183: Birthday Blog

Hello & welcome to a special A Look at Disney.  I'll admit that I didn't have much planned as I just finished a month long event for A Look at Disney and didn't really feel like doing a theme week so soon after finishing a month long themed event but I still wanted to do something special for my birthday.  I'll admit that it's been kinda hard thinking of anything to do.  So, I decided to have some fun and look at Disney birthdays and songs with them. This was a bit of a stretch, I'll admit.  But I did find some.  With that outta the way, let's begin.

Happy Birthday

We start with Mr. Stork as the always incredible Sterling Holloway sings Happy Birthday to a young Dumbo. Sure, simple, sweet and a lot of fun.

Circle of Life

This and the next one that I'm going to talk about might be a bit of a cheat but I think I'm more than okay with getting away with this one as it takes place at the birth of Simba.  So,  I feel more than okay with including it in that regard and this song reflects that well as it is all about the celebration of life.   And that is what days like these should be for as they are joyous celebrations and we see that with the coming together of the animals.  So, I think it fits and works out well in the end to include.

I See The Light

I am not just including this one because Rapunzel is my favorite Disney character but because this moment does take place on her birthday as well and this focuses on another aspect of birthdays with celebrations.  Obtaining something that you wanted.  That might sound shallow but I want mean is that Rapunzel in this instance got her dream and coming into her own and maturing as a young woman as she realizes her feelings for Eugene.  That's the other aspect that this song covers that you get with birthdays, you grow older and see that there is more to life around you than what you thought you wanted.

Making Today A Perfect Day

This song is different from the other ones that we've discussed so far as it instead focuses on a family member in this case, an older sister trying to make the birthday person's in this case, Anna's birthday and pushing herself too far.  This is a fun song and this is something that I can totally see Elsa doing after all the years that she ignored Anna.  She loves her sister so much that she's willing to ignore her health.   It's a fun song, it's nowhere near as good as any of the songs from Frozen itself but I think that my biggest issue with this song is that it takes up the entirety of Frozen Fever.  So, if you listen to this song, there's really no need to watch the short as you already know how it goes.

Happy, Happy Birthday To You

And we close this with my favorite Disney birthday song.  There's not a whole lot that I can say about this song other than it's just a lot of fun.  And I like to use it for my friends whenever they have a birthday. And I may or may not listen to it every year on my birthday as well.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this Music Fridays.   Peace!

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