Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Gets Tangled: Great Expotations

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our look at Tangled: The Series as we look at an episode that gives us more insight into the characters of Cassandra and Varian.   Picking out an episode that highlighted was a bit hard but this is perhaps one of the best choices as it also ties back into the mystery of the Black Rocks.  As I mentioned in my review of"What The Hair?!",  Varian has a crush on Cassandra and this is the one episode where that really comes into play. With that outta the way, let's begin.

The Plot

We open on Cassandra setting up for a science exposition and we see Varian there setting  up as he is there to present and you here get a pretty good idea of Varian's crush on Cassandra as he says hi to her and calls her Cassy.   Cass doesn't take too kindly to this and informs  her that it's Cass.  Varian wants Cass to be his assistant.   Also, Cassandra has a big day ahead of her as she wants to prove her worth to her father by serving on the Royal Guard.  Something, I didn't bring up but is highly important to Cassandra is that her dream is to be on the Royal Guard and one day, succeed her father as Captain.   Her father gives her the chance to serve on the guard but she must finish her Lady-in-Waiting duties first.   Varian notices how much Cass has to do and makes a deal with her. That, if he helps her with all of her duties, she'll help him as his assistant.

Though, things come to a head, when the judge of the event,  Dr. St. Croix comes to judge the event and most of the guard ends up hurt and Cass ends up as personal security for the doctor.  Though, we see that this guy is a bit pompous and cares more about flair and spectacle than he does actual science.  And well,  Varian has to rely on Shorty (the most annoying of the Pub Thugs)  to help assist and that ends up getting Varian DQ'ed as the scientist is almost hurt by something that Shorty does.

After this, we see a character that has a fortune teller design and she wins because the scientist is impressed by her flair, even though she didn't do much science.  The scientist afterwards messes around with Varian's invention, which was a thing that could be used to build elements and he accidentally gets attached to the fortune teller's contraption and causes a thunderstorm like event that'll suck up all of the kingdom.  This is where Rapunzel comes in as she had spent the episode trying to invent something but most of things that she had invented already existed but she finally came up with an early prototype of a dryer with Max running to power it.   They use this machine to help stop the event with Max having to run backwards and in one of the cutest sequences, Pascal runs alongside Max to help.  And from there, they are able to save the day. 

There is some rubble left to clean up and Cass gives her chance as a guard to help her friends.   Towards, the end of this episode, we get another hint of the Black Rocks as Varian mentions that they had started growing outside his village.  Rapunzel and Cass go with Varian to see them and we learn that the rocks have a physical reaction to Rapunzel.  Rapunzel plans on figuring out the mystery of the rocks but they have to keep it a secret as her father had forbidden her from talking about the rocks.   We will discuss this more with later episodes but Rapunzel and her father have a rather tenuous relationship.  Not to spoil it but there is a point, where she compares her dad to Mother Gothel.   We will touch this more as this event goes along  but for now, let's look at the characters. 

Main Characters

Cassandra voiced by Eden Espinosa

Cass, like all the characters have a lot of good episodes that focus on her.  Whether it be this one,   "Challenge of the Brave",  "Cassandra V. Eugene", or "Under Raps".  It was honestly hard choosing the right episode to highlight her  but in the end, I went with this one as it highlights the relationship that she has with Varian, who at this point was my favorite character in the show. So, that was kind of a bonus for me. Still, I enjoyed watching her here  as you really got to see her open up and become a bit friendlier than she had been in past episodes.  She still has tough exterior but underneath it all is a nice person.

Varian voiced by Jeremy Jordan

This episode does a good job of giving you more insight into the character of Varian and that he is a good kid and part of the main reason that he even signed up for the science exposition is just to impress Cassandra.   Which makes it clear to me that his crush was born out of admiration for her.   I mentioned in my last review that Varian's crush isn't heavily focused on and I like that and this episode seems to get that out of it's system. 

Supporting Characters

Rapunzel voiced by Mandy Moore

Rapunzel admittedly didn't have a whole lot to do in this episode and that's fine. Her subplot was cute and cute works for Rapunzel.  Though, she did come in handy in the end to help save the day.

Dr. St. Croix voiced by Barry Bostwick

I wouldn't call this guy, a villain.  He was just a snob and I question some of his science credentials but I think that was part of the point with his character.  As it seemed that he was talking out of his rear for most of the episode. 

My Final Thoughts

Once again,  this is another excellent episode from this series that does a lot of great work to highlight two of the newer characters. And it does a really bang up job of that.  Peace!  

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