Take A Look at Disney


More Lego & Disney

Hey guys, if you'll recall I wrote an article talking about the partnership of Lego & Disney. Well, today while browsing one the pages I subscribe to on YouTube, Disney Living. I came across three very awesome Disney/Lego Videos that I want to share with you. Unlike las time, I won't be talking about the Disney based sets but rather showcasing one awesome stop motion Lego video and two videos showing the process of Lego models being built that are based on two Lego characters.  This just one more aspect of the Lego & Disney partnership. now I should state that Lego has also built life-sized models based on other characters such as Harry Potter and darth Vader. I even think I once saw a full scale replica of the Batmobile. 

The first one is the  first trailer for Cars 2 Lego-fied

This has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen. The recreated every single frame from the first trailer for Cars 2 in Lego. Sure there are some digital aspects but those are mostly the faces and the only other non-Lego aspects of this trailer are the Disney & Pixar logos. The rest of it is just great. It hooked me in as soon as I saw it and I was like wow.  So much so thatI had to go back and watch it again. I even had to go back and watch the first trailer to make sure that I was right and I think I was. None of the jokes from the actual trailer were lost in the Lego variant.  Now as for a comparsion here is the actual trailer that Lego is based on.

Next up are two videos that are part of a new series called Behind The Brick. These video showcase Lego Master Builders and shows some of the Disney based models that have been built They are just awesome.  I'm just going to post the videos and after the second one, I will talk about them.

Disney Goes Behind The Bricks Vol. 1 - Jack Sparrow

Disney Goes Behind The Bricks Vol. 2 - Lighting McQueen

I have to say as both a Lego & Disney fan this is really neat to see these these models. It was really cool to see the process and you can see that they put a lot of hard work into these models. I especially like how the video shows the models when they are on the computer and the 3-D rendering and then seeing it being brought to life. The Master Builder said in the Jack Sparrow video that any kid could build the Jack Sparrow model as they only use regular Lego Bricks. That's pretty amazing but I don't think that I have ever built anything that impressive. Also can you believe that he said they used a quarter million bricks from McQueen.  I wonder all long both of those models took. I honestly can't believe that someone can get paid to build Lego models. That has to be one of the best jobs out there.

Now  I also wanted to share this picture of a Lego model of Buzz & Woody as well.  Why not? They are pretty cool after all.

Those are some nice models and it seems like they truly captured Buzz and Woody nicely in these models. I hope Behind The Brick shows some building of Buzz or Woody on a future video.  I really like the pose they have Woody in and that could not have been easy to capture in Brick form.

Now I want to close this out with something Lego related, I put together. I give you a picture of my Lego Christmas Village. I hope you like it.

Here is a link to my previous Lego & Disney  article.    Lego & Disney

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