Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 11: Covers That Caught Me Off Guard

Today, we will once again be taking a look at covers of Disney songs. I have to say that covers of Disney songs have popped a few times now. I mean, my first Top 6 was Top 6 Covers of Disney Songs and one of the early Music Fridays dealt with Country Covers. With that said let's begin. 

Someday My Prince Will Come - Tanya Tucker

Speaking of Country Music. Our first cover comes from that genre. This here is a Country cover of Someday My Prince Will Come  that is from Snow White.   This song bares no resemblance to the original song save for the lyrics.  First of all, Tanya is much older than Snow White and here I don't picture a castle but rather a saloon. This song is very twang  and honky tonk with its delivery.  It's good but definitely one of the stranger covers that I have ever heard.

Bella Notte - Glee

Confession time, I'm a Gleek.  Yes, I like Glee and I never thought that they would do a Disney song. Then again, why not? The library of songs is quite huge. Anyways, this classic love song is from Lady & The Tramp.  I love what they did with it here but they don't mess with the song too much. As Glee has done that in the past. They treat the song with respect and the only difference is that they added in a chorus.  Simple and it stays true to the message of the song. Also I have to say thank you Glee for not including a parody of the spaghetti scene in this episode. As many shows are known to poke fun at Lady & Tramps' famous kiss. I would not have said this before but Glee should do an episode dedicated to Disney. I mean they have done  two Gaga episodes, one Madonna and one Britney Spears episode. Why not a Disney/Glee episode? That would be awesome.

Proud of Your Boy - Clay Akien

Some might that streching here with calling this one a cover but there is an Alan Menken version of this song that came out first therefore, I'm calling it a cover. Proud of Your Boy is a song that was cut from Aladdin during the production as was Aladdin's mom who was to appear in the movie. This song here is about how Aladdin knows he has screwed up in life and he just wants to make his mother proud of him. Clay's singing adds a layer of innocence and sweetness. As the Alan Menken version is just a rough copy of the song. This is what the song would have sounded like and I believe that know matter who sings all sons can relate to the message of this song. We just want our parents to be proud of us, now matter what. I find that Clay does a good job but for my money I'll take the Alan Menken version of this song.

Reflection - Micheal Crawford

Now this one really took me by surprise because well Mulan sang this and I never thought that there would be a male cover of this song. I was afraid that with a man singing this it would lose part of what made this song great. It does partly because I can't get over the fact that the line is now "Who is that man I see? instead of "Who is that girl I see?" It's okay but is most certianly one of the stranger covers I have heard. Besides that, it's not bad and when you do think about it, this message can be universal in that we all are looking for our place in life and we may not know what  it is we are supposed to do. In the end not bad but probably one of the weaker covers that I have listened to. Crawford's voice just does not suit this song at all. At certian points, he sounds as though he is screeching.    

If you would like to listen to some more Disney covers besides the ones showcased here today head to this site as there a bunch of great Disney covers there.

Covering The Mouse

I hope you have enjoyed this quite fascinating Music Fridays and join me next week when we I take a look at Mickey & Minnie songs.

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