Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Non Speaking Characters

Now if there is one thing that always amazes me is when a character can deliver a wonderful performance without any true dialogue.  Sometimes, these characters deliver the best performance and outshine the speaking characters.  Disney has quite a many characters in this vein and today, I’ll be counting down my Top 6

6. Perry – Phineas and Ferb

Now I like Perry as he is my favorite character from Phineas and Ferb.  He is a great example of a character who doesn’t speak but delivers some of the funniest moments from the show.  He is a very engaging character and personally the Agent P and Dr. D stuff is perhaps my favorite part of the show.

5.  Wall-E – Wall-E

Truth be told, when I first saw the trailers for Wall-E, I wanted to go into this movie not liking it because it looked so vastly different than anything Pixar had ever done before.  But it turned out, I just didn’t understand what direction they were going and surprisingly, this little robot charmed his way into my heart.  The only word he ever says is his name but  his curiosity of life just shines through brightly and I think one of the best examples would be his eyes because his eyes I think are where his curiosity  really comes through the best as you can see and feel how big they get. Also when he falls in love with Eve, no words are needed, his body language and the way he acts around her explains it better than any words ever could.

4. Tinkerbell – Peter Pan

Now there is no way that I could do a Top like this and not talk about Tinkerbell.  Tinkerbell is probably one of the most prime examples of a non speaking character that is endearing and has a large fan base.  Now if I had to choose a word to describe Tink, that word would be sassy.  Sassy and she has quite a bit of an attitude. This is greatly seen in the way that she places her arms on her hips showing that she is angry.  Also when she is happy such as in this picture, you can feel that.

3.  Herbie – The Love Bug

Now I have already gone over Herbie in my Love Bug review in the past and in essence, he is just a child. Unlike the other characters that I have listed so far, Herbie doesn’t have a face to make any real facial expressions.  Still, as I said when he was sad, I felt sad and when he was happy, I was happy.  Granted, he did make honking sounds but that wasn’t speaking.  It worked in his favor as it truly felt as though that honking was Herbie crying. When you feel a car is crying, the movie has done something right with this character.

2. Carpet – Aladdin

Carpet just like Herbie, is another character that has no face yet I found him to be one of the most endearing characters from the film he was in. Even if he was used as a mode of transportation by the other characters. One of the most prominent moments that sticks out in my mind has to be when Aladdin and Abu first enter the Cave of Wonders.  You can see Carpet hiding and just through the movement and the way the character is presented you can see in that moment, Carpet is shy.  Again, Carpet portrays shyness and it is easy to pick up on without any verbal clues.

1. Dumbo – Dumbo

Now like my # 1 choice could be anyone else. As you all know, Dumbo is my favorite movie.  Dumbo is perhaps one of the most prime examples of a non speaking character that conveys emotions perfectly.  Though I will say that I think it was a bit more sensible for this film as Dumbo was just a baby. And babies aren't able to talk when they first come into this world.  Like with Herbie when I see Dumbo happy, I have the biggest grin on my face but whenever I see him sad, I just start to bawl and cry.  I feel so bad whenever he is crying that I want to go and give Dumbo a gig old hug and tell him everything will be all right.  Fortunately, I can give Dumbo a big old hug now because of this cute little guy.

Of course, if you read my Disney Stuffed Animals article, you know what I said about this stuffed animal already.  So we end, another Top 6 and I hope you have enjoyed this countdown and tell me, who are some other characters that you think would work for this list

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