Take A Look at Disney


A Visit To The Hundred Acre Wood: Find Her, Keep Her (The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh Episode Review)

Hello and glad you could once again join me on my visit to The Hundred Acre Wood.  Today, we will be taking a look at perhaps one of the best episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh as I review Find Her, Keep Her.   This episode as stated in my Top 6 Birds of Disney was Kessie's first episode and it truly showed how much this little bird got Rabbit to open up.  It's a simple episode but that works and I think this is one that I would file under the category of being beautifully simple. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Episode Title

Find Her, Keep Her

I love this title, it's a nice sweet title. That is a nice reflection of what Rabbit goes through in this episode as he grows closer to Kessie, he can't let her go. He doesn't want to let her grow up as she is afraid of losing her.  It's simple but it works so well.

The Plot

The plot is again rather simple, we open on Rabbit, Pooh, Piglet and Tigger in Rabbit's garden as Rabbit is frantically trying to revive a carrot back to life in the middle of winter as they hear a baby bird crying for help and Rabbit at first thinks the carrot is crying for help but then we get our first glimpse of Kessie in her nest as the wind is blowing.  In a frantic manner Rabbit leads the group in saving the baby bird and through the episode we see the relationship of these two characters develop into something special.  This is such a cute episode and it truly shows that while Rabbit may be my least favorite character, he can open up and be a good person.   


For the sake of this review, I'll be breaking the characters down into Important & Supporting.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Important Characters

Kessie voiced by Laura Mooney

There's a reason why Kessie made it so high on my Top 6 Birds of Disney and this episode really shows why.  It's strange to think that she didn't appear in many episodes of the show but she was popular enough to get a leading role in the next Pooh show. Now as for the relationship between Kessie and Rabbit,  as I've been saying throughout, it's one of the sweetest things I've seen.  It starts out as a simple relationship but as time goes, we see how much Rabbit truly cares for Kessie and how he wants to protect her, even if  he doesn't realize that it's stunning her growing up. Also seeing her as a baby call Rabbit, daddy is one of the cutest things and leads to the nickname Rabbie. 

Rabbit voiced by Ken Samson 

This episode was important for Rabbit as it showcases a great range of emotion for him. It takes him from being the usual grumpy self or at least how I view him, in this episode we come to see as I said up top,  he can care about other creatures when he takes in Kessie and raises her. As I said when talking about the episode title,  he doesn't want to let her go.  I think that is shown in one of my favorite moments after Kessie asks Rabbie to read her bedtime story but Rabbit decides not to and just sits in his room holding the rabbit that belongs to Kessie.

Supporting Characters

Pooh voiced by Jim Cummings

Pooh was his simple usual self that was a lot of fun.  He tried to help Kessie learn how to fly along with the rest of her friends and that was cute to watch but really compared to Rabbit and more importantly, Kessie these characters come across as background characters however he has one of my favorite lines that closes out the episode.

Pooh: I hope spring decides to come early this year. I can't wait to see Kessie again.

Piglet: It's the most peculiar thing, for the longest time I thought Rabbit didn't like her.

Pooh: You know Piglet. Sometimes people care too much, I think it's called 'love'.

Piglet: Oh, do you think we should tell Rabbit?

Pooh: Don't worry. I believe he already knows.

Piglet voiced by John Feilder

Again, Piglet was more of a background character but that isn't a bad thing as the main focus for this episode needed to be on Rabbit and Kessie as they are the central focus and giving too much time to any other character would have diminished the relationship a tad.

Tigger voiced by Paul Winchell 

Good old, Tigger.  What is there to say that I haven't said already. His interaction with Kessie is probably the most fun next to Rabbit.  Just watching him take Kessie for a bounce is a lot of fun and it's just so funny and just as with the other characters, his goodbye moment with Kessie is rather sweet.   

Owl voiced by Hal Smith

Now out of all the supporting characters, Owl is probably one of the most important and it's not hard to see why as Kessie wishes to fly and Owl is the best one to show her how.  When Kessie firsts meets Owl, he doesn't realize that she doesn't know how to fly and goes off on one of his tangents about one of his family members that had a unique style of flying.   Over time, he does help learn how to fly so that Kessie can go south for the winter.  Which begs the question, why doesn't Owl?  Who knows? Ah, well.

My Final Thoughts

This is an adorable episode. I love it, as it gives depth to Rabbit that is rarely seen and Kessie is just an great addition to The Hundred Acre Wood.   As I said at the beginning at the top of this review, it's beautifully simple.   Honestly folks I think this AMV can sum up my feelings about this episode better than I can. 

We aren't with Kessie, just yet though. Join me tomorrow as I review the sequel episode to this one as I take a look at...

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