Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about Sharpay Evans

Now I've made it no secret that I like things that may seem a tad embarrassing. One such ting being High School Musical.  I've touched upon a certain film in the past when doing other Can We Talk about's and I've even touched upon this character in my Top 6 Most Annoying Characters list.  Here's the thing I actually do like High School Musical. I can't explain but when I watched the first one, I was hooked but I have always hated the character of Sharpay Evans.  To set it, up, Sharpay is a diva.  No,  a better fit would be to call her a diva.  I think the best way to describe her is to say that she is vapid and shallow.  Okay, yeah I imagine a lot of you reading this think that is true of all the characters. Perhaps but I think that it is a bit more obvious with this character.   

Look,  I get that she was supposed to be the antagonist. But I also don't think that her reasoning for doing what she did was sound. Boo-hoo,  someone else got a callback for a role that you auditioned for. Really, that's just sad.  Now I will also admit that I have seen all 3 films and I've liked them and as small as it may be but most of the characters did get some development but not her and I think what makes it worse for me is the fact that she got her own film (which I'll be reviewing down the road)(pray for me)

I swear in this film she comes off even more whiny and bitchy than she did in all 3 HSM films.  There, we go.  That's the right word. Sharpay comes off as being unlikable and bitchy throughout all of the High School Musical films. She is a Queen Bee that doesn't want to see change because she thinks she is in power.  But I have to ask where does she think where this power came from. Granted in the 2nd film,  which I'll admit I find to be the most enjoyable. We find out that she comes from wealth as we see that her parents own a golf club.  

Which can explain why she is so spoiled but at the same time, it shows that her brother, Ryan is a bit humble and can be disgusted by the way his sister acts.

Okay, yeah that picture isn't the best example.  I think the biggest problem, I have with this character is that she is spoiled little brat that gets no punishment for any of her actions in the end. Okay, yeah she doesn't pull anything big.  I mean this is a Disney Channel movie after all but even still, could she at least get some kind of punishment. I feel that the film is trying to redeem right at the end of the film but the problem there is that,  I think not only does it come into late but also how can you redeem her, if she is just going to repeat her actions as that is what happened in the sequels. If you guys really want a good example of why I hate her, listen to her song from the third film.  

Well, I'll say this much at least she does kinda care for her brother and yeah I have no problems for her having big dreams but being someone that has seen all 3 films.  This song,  just makes me go "Really?"   Because I just feel that this song plays into her diva side attitude much more.  Granted by this film it was toned down as she really wasn't the main baddie anymore as we had to deal with a mini-Sharpay. Which is worse than it sounds.  Because she was ruder and meaner than Sharpay and was actually more of a backstabber.   

At the end of the day, this is just a character that I'll never like because I don't anything about her was ever likable from the get go. Not even in a ooh, she's a nasty little b*** (Yeah, I know I used that word before I normally don't like cursing and I think using it once was enough)   Does that mean I'll see the light and realize these are bad films? No, I love them for what they are and that's not going to change.  I look at my enjoyment of these 3 films, the same way I look at my enjoyment of Glee. It may not be popular to  like them but so what. If I like these, fine. Peace!


  1. I don't like the character type in general. Except when they did it in My Little Pony and they gave that character the Element of Genoristy to make her bearable. But yeah, Sharpay is just another example of the rich spoiled brat that only exists cos the writers hate rich people and it's a tired cliche.

    Now what I found disturbing about her is that I found out she and Ryan were brother and sister only after I'd seen 2. Because the chemestry they have is beyond siblingly and goes into actual romanace. I'm surprised Disney allowed it on screen.

    That and I hate her cos she has to continually revert back to the baddie. I never saw 3, but she ends 1 being a nicer person before being back to being horrible. She isn't a character as a walking checklist for what the antaganist should do.

    1. I think you've pretty much summed up my feelings about her.

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