Take A Look at Disney


Tramp Vs. Dodger

Hello & welcome back to Vs.   Today I'm taking a look at a suggestion from Les as  I pit two dogs against each other. From Lady and The Tramp,  Tramp and from Oliver and Company, Dodger.   Now the categories per usual include Personality (Round 1), who had the better all around personality,  Interaction with Other Characters (Round 2), something that I came up with my Fairy Godmother/Gothel Vs. but this takes a look at who I felt better interacted with the characters. Song (Round 3), ,  the better song and I know what your thinking Tramp didn't have a song. Well we will take care of that issue when we get to it  Standout Moment  (Round 4), which moment stick me with me more from these two characters and finally The Film Factor (The Final Round),   which character worked better in their respective film.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Personality (Round 1)


Ah, Tramp.  The best way to describe Tramp, he's the dog from the wrong side of the tracks but he never means to get anyone in trouble. It just comes with the territory.  He's got a good heart and we see him develop and grow over time as a character and that even though, he may have started out as a ladies' man err dog,  he matures.


The best way to describe Dodger is to say that he is cool, suave, charismatic.  He's kind of character that exudes coolness. The first time you see him, you know, he's a cool character.  But that's not all there is to Dodger, he is also loyal to both Fagin, the other dogs and Oliver.   So, he's got the coolness and loyalty to him. This is a tough call both of these characters are great.  I like Tramp for how he grows but Dodger is just so cool. And for that reason, I have to give this round to..


Interaction With Other Characters (Round 2)


Here we have an interesting case as while Tramp does interact with other characters, it's not that many. He interacts with. The most of his interaction is with Lady and that is important as it develops him and makes him a better character.  So through his interaction with this one character, he again grows up and matures.


Dodger's interaction with the characters in his film  in that he really doesn't have the same kind of development as Tramp.  His interaction is just more fun and laid back in seeing how he hangs out with his friends but at the same time, we also see him develop a relationship with Oliver that almost seems the relationship of two brothers. Both of these characters have great interaction with other characters in their films but I think that Tramp gains more  and for that reason and that reason alone, I have to give this round to...


Song (Round 3)

He's A Tramp (Tramp)  

Now recall what I said about the song issue with Tramp. Well Tramp may not have a song to himself but he does have a song about himself.  This song comes late in the film around the point where Lady and Tramp's relationship has developed and matured a little bit and this song is about Tramp's old ways.  It is a great song and I do enjoy it. 

Why Should I Worry? (Dodger) 

Yeah, no contest here. Dodger wins.  This song is so much fun and when you think of Dodger, you think of this song.  It sticks with you and quite honestly, it's one of the most if not the most memorable part of this film. So without a doubt, this round has to go to...


Standout Moment (Round 4)

Now this here takes a look at what I consider the Standout Moment from these two characters.


For Tramp, this was tough.  I thought at first maybe his rat scene but I actually think his introduction is better.

Tramp: Just a cute little bundle... of trouble. Yeah, they scratch, pinch, pull ears... Aw, but shucks, any dog can take that. It's what they do to your happy home. Move it over, will ya, friend? Homewreckers, that's what they are!
Jock: Look here, laddie! Who are you to barge in?
Tramp: The voice of experience, buster. Just wait 'til Junior gets here. You feel the urge for a nice, comfortable scratch, and... "Put that dog out! He'll get fleas all over the baby!" You start barking at some strange mutt...
Tramp: "Stop that racket, you'll wake the baby!" And then... then they hit you on the room and board department. Oh, remember those nice, juicy cuts of beef? Forget 'em. Leftover baby food. And that nice, warm bed by the fire? A leaky dog house.
Lady: Oh, dear!

This scene is just funny in how it's played. It's simple and to the point and lets us know what kind of character Tramp is.  He's the dog that doesn't want to be tied down to one family.   I think what works is how this scene isn't over the top.


For Dodger, it's simple really.  It's gotta be Why Should I Worry?  I mean c'mon, when you think of Dodger, you think of that moment.  As I said it's perhaps one of the most memorable moments from that film but as much I like that song, I prefer Tramp's scene to that song and for that reason and that reason alone, this round goes to...


The Film Factor (The Final Round)

Everything is all tied up.  This is it, folks.  The Film Factor,  the decision as to who'll win.  Will it be Tramp or Dodger? Let's find out.


Tramp worked very well in his film.  Though,  obviously it comes from him being one of the best characters in his film.  Though to be granted next to Lady and Tony, most of the other characters are a bit forgettable  So it is easy for Tramp to stand out for that reason and when he's on screen, you pay attention.


Dodger in my mind is totally a scene stealer. When he is on screen, you pay attention to him and that to me is an amazing feat because whereas I feel the supporting characters in Lady and The Tramp are good but forgettable, that is not the case here as Dodger is standing out amongst a cast of great characters.  He is easily the best character in Oliver and Company and I really feel that he is the most memorable character and for that reason, I have to give this round to...


The End Result!

By a score of 3 - 2, Dodger wins.  Now I like both character and I actually think they are both great but Dodger is the winner and in my opinion, just more memorable.  Don't get me wrong, I still love Tramp but Dodger is the winner.  Tell me in the comments, if you agree!

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