Take A Look at Disney


Halloween: Top 6 Witches

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Our Halloween event continues with another Top 6.  Witches have had a long standing history with Disney.  And who better to celebrate during this Halloween these magical ladies. Now,  let's make one thing clear, The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus will not appear on this list. Mostly because it's been so long since I've seen that film and I don't recall very much of the film. With that out of the way, let's begin.  

6.  Lucinda - Sofia The First

This cute little witch comes from Sofia The First episode,  The Little Witch.  Now so far, she's only had one appearance on the show.   Which is a shame because she could be a great character if given time to develop some more.  In her debut episode,  we learn that after Sofia became a princess, Lucinda moved into the village where Sofia used to live and would play tricks and cast hexes on the fellow children in the tow because she didn't know any other way.  With Sofia's help,  she learned to look past her old ways and made up for her past actions by righting her wrongs.   I would like to see Lucinda appear in more episodes (because she's third best character)  because I feel there is more room for things to be done with her such as you could do a follow up episode, where she comes to the castle and meets Sofia's class mates from Royal Prep and seeing how  uppity some of them can be has to resist the urge to revert to her old ways.  That's the big reason, she's only at # 6.  That's not to say, she's a bad character. Not at all,  her debut episode is in my opinion the best episode of the series as it shows that you should give people a second chance.  It was a cute, if simplistic story that is good for kids.  Plus, the song from her episode is just so darn adorable.   

Also,    like a lot of witches, she has such a cool name.  Still, the big reason, she's only at # 6 is that is her so much left to be done with her.  Perhaps I should cut the show some slack as it's only in it's first season but it's frustrating, when you get a cool character like Lucinda because I want the show to  do more with her.

5.  Witch Hazel - Trick or Treat

Coming in at # 5 from Trick or Treat is Witch Hazel.   What is I like about Witch Hazel.  She's fun and willing to stand up for Donald's nephews after he decides to play tricks on him and not give them candy on Halloween.  And we get to see her fun side of her being antagonistic towards Donald but never in a mean-spirited way.  Just more so to teach Donald a lesson and get back at him, plus you can't go wrong with June Foray.  This isn't her only appearance on the list by the way.

4.  Magica De Spell -  Uncle Scrooge Comics/DuckTales

The big thing that landed Magica on this list is her obsession with Scrooge's first dime.  She goes mad trying to get it and gets a little annoyed, when she get it because she believes that it Scrooge's wealth has caused it to obtain magical powers.   Now, I mostly remember Magica from DuckTales but she actually started out in comics.   Her obsession with this dime is borderline crazy.  Besides that though,  she's actually a quite powerful witch that is able to use her spells quite well .  Fun Fact:  in the comics, it's revealed her best friend is Mad Madam Mim .

That's kinda cool!

3.  Mother Gothel - Tangled

Oh,  you guys had to  know that Gothel was going to make this list.  Tangled is one of my favorite films and Gothel is just ruthless.  Her relationship with Rapunzel is just abusive and so real.  As I've mentioned in the past, she is so wicked in how she kidnapped Rapunzel and used the magic  found in Rapunzel's hair from the flower for herself.  And as I've mentioned,  she kept Rapunzel for so long that it was clear that Gothel started to believe her lie.  The first time,  I saw Tangled I didn't care to much for Gothel but since I got the DVD, I've fallen in love with her as a character because she is a great villain and a good witch.

2.  Ursula - The Little Mermaid

Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid lands at the # 2 spot.  The thing that makes Ursula different from the other witches on this list is she our only sea dweller.  Though the big reason, she's at # 2 is because of how cunning and ruthless, she is.  She went to great lengths to get what she wanted just like our # 1 but let's focus on the sea witch.   The big reason, she works so well is that she was able to play on Ariel's emotions and use those against Ariel and when things started to look as though, they weren't going her way, that is when she found a back up plan and turned herself into Vanessa.    Who in a nice touch was voiced by Jodi Benson.

Ursula is smart and she knows it, that is why she carries herself, she does in the film.  She's big and she controls the room, whenever she's on screen.

1.  Evanora - Oz: The Great and Powerful

And coming at # 1 from Oz: The Great and Powerful is Evanora The Wicked Witch of The East.  What's so great about Evanora?  Well,  she's ruthless, cunning,  she was able to trick Oscar into thinking  Glinda was The Wicked Witch.  Not to mention, she is the sole cause for her younger sister's transformation into The Wicked Witch of The West as she played on her feelings for Oscar. And not to mention for the longest time, she had Oz under her control and was ruling it.   Also, her duel with Glinda is just awesome.

I think what sells her so well is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself yet, she is able to trick people into thinking that she does care about them.  And going back to her sister,  she was able to get into her sister's head by taunting her and calling her wicked.  Something Theodora tried to rebut.    Honestly, the way Rachel Weiz plays her is spine-chillingly creepy.  Because I feel she could've won had she just killed her sister.   Seriously, her sister was so useless in the grand scheme of things and Evanora overshadowed her greatly.  And I do love that we got one last fright with her before she died as we saw what she truly looked like.

Creepy!    Everything about Evanora just works in selling her as this woman who'd stop at nothing to get what she wanted.  I mean, she killed Glinda's father aka the former ruler of Oz, so that she could take his position.  And then blamed Glinda for killing him.  Whoa, that is diabolical!  With stuff like that, she had to be # 1.   Plus, it doesn't hurt that she's one of the most fun villains from a live-action Disney film in a while and one of the more memorable live-action villains.

There you have it, my Top 6 Witches.   I hope that you've enjoyed this list.  Who are some fictional witches, you like?  I know a lot of you are probably going to say Sabrina.  Can't blame ya there, she's awesome.   Join me next time as I go over how Halloween is celebrated at the parks. Peace!

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