Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 119: For Alex

Hello & welcome back to Music Fridays and to a special  edition at that.  You see,  my fellow Expressionist, Alex was having a rough time, as his trip to New York didn't go as smoothly as planned. So, I wanted to do something for him.  So, I sent him a P.M.  asking him for his favorite Disney films and this is why.  Alex,  today's Music Fridays is for you.  Let's start with a song that is fitting for the occasion.

Let It Go

This is easily one of the saddest songs from Disney in a long time but at the same time,  I find it to be very true.  Sometimes,  you just need to walk away and slam the door shut on people and look for a new path.  Granted, that probably wasn't the best option for Elsa but sometimes you just need to Let It Go.  This is a great song and I cannot picture anyone but Indina Menzel singing this song.  She just nails it and kicks it out of the park.  So, while it is sad,  it's also at the same time,  a release and empowerment for Elsa as she fianlly embraces who she is. And the imagery for this number is just stunning.    For our next number, we are going to a deleted song from Aladdin.  One I haven't covered before.

You Can Count On Me

Oh, this song makes me yearn for what could've been with this movie.  This is a great song and it deserves home and as mentioned in the video, this was the first song written after Howard Ashman passed away and as described,  it was meant to be Aladdin's "I Want" number and it is great to hear  Aladdin sing about what he wants and as the title says,  You Can Count On Me.


Ah,  my favorite Beauty and The Beast song.  This is just a great number as it lets the audience know who Belle is and what the town thinks of her, as they find her a bit peculiar for gasp, liking to read.  How scandalous!   Still, this is a great introductory song for Belle.   And luckily,  this video also includes the reprise, which is a great number and digs deeper into who Belle is and what she desires.

When Will My Life Begin

Thankfully, Alex and I have similar taste in Disney films as all of these would make my top 10 list and I get to  talk about  Best Princess aka Rapunzel again.  Boy, she's made a lot of appearances, this week. (Not that  I would ever complain about that!)   This  is my favorite Tangled song because this is the number that convinced me that Rapunzel was going to be an awesome character and I was right.  I love the pop nature of this song as it suits Mandy Moore's singing style wonderfully.  And  I will always defend this film as having an underrated soundtrack that gets way too much flack.  This song shows why the soundtrack works and the style of this song with it's bubbly nature perfectly matches up to Rapunzel.  And this is probably my favorite "I Want" song.  I can't  help, it's just a really pretty song. Y'know, we are going to talk about both reprises as well.  Just doesn't feel right to not include them.

When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 1)

I really  like this piece as we are getting to see Rapunzel take the first step towards her dream and realize it.  Though knowing what happens in the film makes this line rather sad in retrospect.

I've got my mother's love

That line is hard to take because of knowing the circumstances and that Rapunzel truly does love her "mother".

When Will My Life Begin?  (Reprise 2)

This reprise continues upon the theme of Rapunzel   going towards her dream and making it a reality.  By her taking her first step into the real world and taking it all in.

Okay, there is one last song, I need to close out on and when you see what it is, you'll know why.

So Long

Yeah,  I had to include this,knowing that Zooey Deschanel is the one that sings it, is the big reason why.  It's been a while since I've listened to this song and I'd forgotten about it but it's cute and  I like it.   And   again,  it would've felt wrong for me to not include this song.

I hope, that you guys have enjoyed this special Music Fridays and Alex, I'm sorry things didn't go as you wanted but as I said on your blog, when one door closes, another one opens.  

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