Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Mickey's Birthday Party

Hello  & welcome back to Classic Shorts Showcase.  Last week, we took at The Birthday Party, this week, we are looking at that short's remake,  Mickey's Birthday Party.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

The plot does start out like the original with the characters trying to hide to surprise Mickey and they even include some of the same gags such as having to throw a drape over a large character, in this case,  Clara Cluck was used for this short.  That's one thing,  I loved about this short seeing all of the classic Disney characters at the party, because this was their heyday. And then Mickey shows up and puts the flirt on Minnie.

And then Mickey opens his present and in another callback to the old short, it is a piano,  a rather fancy piano when compared to the first short.  

Mickey tries playing but to no avail and instead Minnie plays it, while Mickey dances and we get some great and silly shots such as this great one, where Mickey really lets loose.

Meanwhile,  Minnie asks Goofy to bake the cake and as we went over on the Top 6 Birthday Moments list, that didn't go over so well because Goofy had a lot of problems with the cake such as at one point, the cake turned into a volcano because he set the oven to volcano heat.  

Meanwhile, at the party,  the gang was dancing and even did a conga line, while Minnie would constantly check in on Goofy.  But I wanna talk about the conga line because of the line up of characters.

Sure,  we had Donald and Minnie in the conga line, who you guys expect to be the standard but Goofy and Donald hadn't been around for a long time, when this short came out. Rather, I want to focus on the three characters you see right there as we have Clara Cluck,  Horace Horsecollar, and Clarabelle Cow.   You really don't see these characters all that much these days especially Clara Cluck, so getting to see these characters in a short with Mickey, Minnie, and Donald was a huge treat.  While this was a small moment as a Disney fan,  I loved getting to see these characters in what was their prime.  Now yes, they were in the last short but there is just something special about seeing them with Donald and Goofy, that I didn't get from the previous short.  Now going back to Goofy, as mentioned, he decided after all the mess ups with the cake, he would just buy one and the short ends with everyone singing happy birthday and with the lights off , Goofy trips and the cake splatters all over Mickey as the short closes out.

Now,    if I do one complaint in this otherwise fantastic short is that it seems that Mickey seems to disappear during the middle of the short.  That is a bit odd but while the short is called Mickey's Birthday Party, there is more focus on Minnie and Goofy.   So,  it's more about  Mickey's birthday party then Mickey enjoying his birthday party.


Minnie voiced by Thelma Boardman

Minnie really seemed to be the main focus of this short as the short showed us how much she wanted her man's birthday to go off without a hitch and she put a lot of effort into making sure that was the party was great.

Goofy voiced by Pinto Colvig

I liked Goofy in this short as he was his fun Goofy self but he wasn't over the top.  He really tried his hardest to make the best cake but alas that was not to be.   And this is such a great image.    Goofy trying to bake the cake was such a great subplot that I enjoyed very much.

Mickey voiced by Walt Disney

I enjoyed Mickey in this short but as I said,  he really wasn't in that much but that is a minor complaint as I enjoyed every other piece of the short.  So, I can't complain too much.

My Final Thoughts

While I like both shorts, this one is superior in my opinion.  There is just a lot more here to enjoy all around.  I'd say check out both shorts as they are both worth a watch. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. There's a very good choice for a Birthday party -- a masquerade ball.
