Take A Look at Disney


Top 6 Birthday Moments

Hello  & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Birthdays, we all have them and sometimes, they can lead to great or funny moment or satisfying moments.  That's why today,  I've decided to countdown my Top 6 favorite Birthday moments from Disney.  With that out of the way, let's begin.   

6.  Prince Eric's Birthday  - The Little Mermaid

This is perhaps a small moment from this otherwise excellent film, but it serves as a great introduction to Prince Eric.  (a character that I feel gets too much hate.  Honestly,  I never thought he was bland).  You could almost call this his "I Want" moment or better yet, his Defining Moment, that lets us know that he will only marry for the right girl and  I love his reaction to statue as he finds it to be a little over the top, and I would have to agree.  I just like this scene because you can see how much fun Eric enjoys out at sea and something about having a birthday party on sea seems really fun.

5   Mickey Covered In Cake - Mickey's Birthday Party

Maybe, it's just me but growing up this was always one of the most iconic Mickey moments.  This is from the short, Mickey's Birthday Party.  Which itself is a remake of The Birthday Party. Which I reviewed that short during the previous Showcase and I'll be taking a closer look at this one during this week's  Showcase.  This  gag  comes to us from Goofy,  who in the short tries to bake a cake but  after many failed attempts,  buys one trips and splatters the cake all over the birthday mouse.  Yet Mickey takes it in stride.  There are a few reasons, I like this moment such as it's a great ending gag and it also shows that  Mickey isn't going to let being splattered in cake ruin his birthday.  He's going to have a good time, regardless.  He's just there to have fun and that's what it is all about.

4.  Minnie Looks for a Gift For Mickey In The Prop Room - House of Mouse 

This is from the episode, Where's Minnie?  As the gang thinks that Minnie has gone missing, when in reality, she is in the prop room of the House of Mouse looking for the perfect gift for Mickey.  The big reason, this one is on here is because I love the Disney references scattered throughout this episode and the idea that the things we see in the animated films are just props is funny and so something, the show would do.  I mean, just look at the gang looking for Minnie and I love it, when they go through the Black and White section, they are drawn B&W.  

3.  Andy's  Birthday Party - Toy Story

I honestly couldn't decide if I wanted Andy opening Buzz or the toys  and them trying to find out what the new presents were more. In the end,  though I had to go with the latter.  It's just a fun moment and I love seeing all the toys react and freak out at the prospect that they may be replaced because as we see later on in the film, that is a very real possibility.  As a kid,  I thought this was one of the coolest moments in the film, but now as an adult,  it's pretty funny looking back.  Also, you gotta give it up for the green army men.   They took their job seriously and again,  that is why this moment holds up so well.

2.  Mr. Stork Singing Happy Birthday - Dumbo

From my favorite film, Mr. Stork singing Happy Birthday to Dumbo. Sterling Holloway just really sells it in this moment and puts his all into this performance. It is just so much fun and with this being  Sterling's first Disney film, this moment gives you a great taste of what was to come from him and how he always put his all into every character he played. Also, it's just really funny to watch and very very cute.

1.  Rapunzel Sees The Lights  - Tangled

If you know me,  you probably saw this one coming at the top of this list.  As was established in the previous article and many times before,  I love this film.  And I think this is one of the few Disney films, where the main character's birthday plays such an integral part in the plot.   Rapunzel on her 18th birthday finally got to see the floating lights,  that she wanted to see for so long.  She was finally living out her dream and each time,  we get to this moment,  in the film, there is a big dumb grin on my face because I'm just so happy to see Rapunzel finally getting her dream.  It doesn't hurt that this is a gorgeous sequence to look at.

The beauty of this moment just adds to the happiness that I have for Rapunzel.  She is finally getting to spend her birthday with someone, that cares about her and isn't just using her.   I remember, the first time I saw this sequence in the theater, I was trying to grab the floating lights myself.   Back on topic,  this made the top of my list because out of every moment, it feels me with the most happiness for the character.  I always knew,  if I ever did a list like this,  this moment would be # 1.

There you have it, my Top 6 Birthday Moments.  Though, we need to close this out with a song and my favorite Birthday song from Disney.

I hope, that you've enjoyed this list.  Peace!


  1. What, no mention of Simba's birthday (not celebrating the day he was born, as in literally the day he was born). I think that ranks up there as pretty big Birth Days :P

    Also Donald Duck celebrates his birthday too, that was always good. Just a shame the rest of the movie is forgetable :P

    Also Ariel has a pretty awesome birthday... it's just a shame she's not there to experience it :P

    1. I'm going to go in and edit this one to include Mr. Stork form Dumbo. As for Donald, I thought about it but went against it and Simba and Ariel's moments just slipped my mind.

    2. Oh it was just fun sitting down and thinking 'how many birthday have there been in Disney's history'. Because they've been quite a few on the quiet across many mediums, a lot of which are quite brilliant.

    3. Very true, I was mad at myself for forgetting Dumbo at first. I mean, I forgot my favorite film.
