Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays 122: Mannheim Steamroller Meets The Mouse Pt. 1

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  What comes to mind, when I say Mannheim Steamroller?   For most of us, it's probably, Christmas music. At least, I know that is what I think of when I hear Mannheim Steamroller but believe it or not, they did a Disney album, where they did their own unique takes on classic Disney songs, and that's why over the next two weeks on A Look at Disney, I'll be taking a look at their versions of these Disney songs. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Chim Chim Cher-ee 

Oddly, in spots, this reminds me of the instrumental of this that was used for Saving Mr. Banks.  It's very good, though at first, it was a bit hard to recognize it as this song but once it get going,  the tune becomes familiar and I like the spirited feeling of this number.


I have to say that I like the use of birds in the beginning of this one. And this certainly does live up to the promise of being a unique take because while there are glimpses of the original in there, they totally reworked it to make it their own while still respecting the original.  Just like the previous version, this is a very high spirited take on this song that is highly enjoyable.

I'm really liking the use of the ocean sounds in this version but I've gotta be honest, I'm not hearing Under The Sea in this one like at all.  This one seems to have strayed too far. Ah no, I take that back, it just takes a long time before you anything resembling Under The Sea in this version but it doesn't seem to stay for very long. This isn't bad but it just doesn't seem like Under The Sea, except for a few spots here and there.

Hakuna Matata 

This is one a lot of fun but the chanting in the beginning does get old, a bit fast but it's still a lot of fun and this is what I was expecting.  They basically turned it into a tribal chant.  Gone is the carefree nature of this song and now it sounds like more war cry. Interesting way to take it but it's still highly enjoyable.   It's a lot more intense and in your face, especially with how it ends.



This version seems at odds with itself, because there  are hints of the fun upbeat song that this was in the latter half but when it begins, it just seems so serious.  But thankfully, it lightens up as the number goes on but I just can't help and notice how opposing it is in parts. Because in parts, this sounds like a drill from a military school, while other times, it does carry the fun and whimsy.  This is perhaps the most self-opposing piece of music, I've heard since starting Music Fridays, all those years ago.

WOW,  this is what I wanted, when I saw Mannheim Steamroller and Disney.  This is just gorgeous and not only does it highlight the strength of Mannheim Steamroller and what they can do.  It also highlights the beauty of this already fantastic song. This is easily my favorite piece, thus far.  This is just beautiful.   

Well, I hope that you've enjoyed Pt. 1 of my look of Mannheim Steamroller Meets The Mouse. Join me next week as we conclude our look at this rather interesting album and hopefully, we can find another piece as gorgeous as Go The Distance. 

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