Take A Look at Disney


Mickey Mouse (2013) Modays Finale Week: Sleepwalkin'/Flipperboobootosis

Hello  & welcome  back  to A Look  at  Disney  and  back  to  Mickey  Mouse (2013)  Mondays  and  today,  we  are taking  a look at the short, Sleepwalkin'. And today,  we  are taking  a look  at another Goofy  short  and  I'm anxious  as I've   not  had  a good track  record with Goofy  shorts.   With that out  of the way, let's begin with this short. 

The Plot

Goofy  has asked  Mickey to watch him  as  he  has  troubles sleeping  as he's  been sleepwalking  and  just as soon as we Goofy fall to asleep,  he starts to participate  in a  marathon  while  still asleep  all over the city.  This plot was simple yet funny and worked such as watching Goofy  going through the various   Olympic style events such as the javelin or high dive off a 30  ft.  apt building that was very clever and it was really fun, watching Mickey  was a blast to see such as  seeing him drive a bus and go to the back of it,  or  driving  a cruise ship and it sinking after hitting an Ice delivery truck that was  named Berg's  Ice Delivery.  This was pretty funny  but I'll  admit that there was  one moment, where I came close to cringing,  and that was Goofy was doing  a swim   meet in the  sewers and  we saw a construction worker about to use a portapotty and it looked  like his, you get the idea but thankfully that didn't  happen.  And the resolution was interesting as  Mickey pulled out a finish line banner from Goofy's dream and that got Goofy to go back to sleep,  feeling refreshed  and ready to run a marathon while Mickey was tired and didn't  like the idea and ran out of Goofy's apartment as fast as he could.  Leaving his silhouette in the wall.

There really isn't  much more to say about this short.  It's  simple and a lot of fun  There isn't much  to say  about this short other than it's fun.


Mickey  Mouse voiced by  Chris  Diamantopoulos

Mickey was a lot of fun to watch in this short and  just a treat to see him trying to stop Goofy.

Goofy voiced by Bill Farmer

Finally,  we get a short where Goofy was likable  and felt like Goofy and all it took was for Goofy to not having  an dialogue.  Boy,  that seems  odd  to say but it's the truth.

My  Final Thoughts

This short was pretty good, not  as good as  say Bad Ear Day but still highly enjoyable and one,  I could see myself returning to,  at  a  future  point.  Now, join me down below  as I take  a look at short with a title,  I'm not  even going to attempt to spell.

The Plot

Yeah,  I don't  know what to make short of this short.  I'm hesitant to call it bad but it sure was odd.  I mean,  Donald had what  I'll call a blister  and  Mickey and Goofy were looking for various ways to get rid of it as Donald is apparently afraid  of doctor.  So, they try  various methods such as Mickey applying honey, which just leads to a bear trying to eat his blister.

To  Goofy doing a foot massage but just leads the blister to move to Goofy.  They also  trying to Donald reapply his center and Goofy comes in and hits with a hammer.  I guess, this was supposed to be acupuncture.  Mickey and Goofy face facts and that they have to take Donald to the doctor but Donald overhears his friends and tries to escape on a cruise ship but the doctor does his job and gets rid of it and oh, the doctor is the bear.  Who just happens to be Kevin Michael Richardson.

The bear was voiced by Shredder?   WOW!

Again,  I don't dislike this short but it's one that just exists.


Donald voiced by Tony Anselmo

Donald  was pretty funny  in this short as I liked  watching him suffer through the pain as here it didn't feel mean-spirited and   I felt bad for him  as I just wanted him to get rid of that thing.

Mickey & Goofy  voiced by  Chris Diamantopoulos  & Bill Farmer

I liked  watching Mickey and Goofy trying to help Donald get rid of that thing  as they tried so many different methods in getting rid of it but in the end,  they just had to take their friend to the doctor.

My Final Thoughts

Again, this short isn't bad but it's one that I'll revisit.     It, at best exists.  It's harmless enough.  Join me next time as I take a look at Tapped Out  and Third Wheel

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