Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney's 500th Post On Manic Expression

Hello  &  welcome to a special edition of A Look at Disney, as you see today marks the 500th  post of A Look at Disney on Manic Expression.  Now, sure my blog has more posts than I've brought over here but even still,  this  is a momentous occasion and I've decided to do something,  I thought I would never do as it seemed nigh impossible,  count down my  favorite  animated Disney films from the canon.  Now, originally, this was only going to be ten  but  that wasn't enough for me and seeing as my standard number is 6,  I decided to double up and countdown what I currently consider my Top 12 favorite Disney films.   With that out of the way, let's begin.  However,  my top two will most likely not come as any sort of surprise and  I've decided that for the sake of this list and to make things fun,  not only will my list my favorite movies but I'll use a picture of my favorite moment from the film, list my favorite character, and if said film has a song,  I'll list my favorite song.

12.   Meet The Robinsons

Favorite Moment:  The Last Quote of The Movie


How fitting to start off this list with a quote from Walt Disney.   Now,  am I cheating by  listing the credits as my favorite moment of this movie?  In my opinion, no!  Because to me,  "Meet The Robinsons "  captures the idea of  Walt's  saying that ends this film perfectly.  You will always have failures in life but the important thing to do is to pick yourself back up and not let them get you down.  Lord knows,  Walt had many failures in his lifetime before he was a success story and even after, he had people saying that things that he wanted to do would fail.   People thought "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs" would bomb and called it, Disney's Folly.   This  movie capture the essence of who Walt was and teaches through Lewis' journey to the future that we cannot give hope.   Also,  I want to say to those annoying little  fans in the community that think Disney should only be a hand-drawn animation studio only,  look at this quote and watch this movie to understand that people  as the quote points out,  people"Keep Moving Forward".   Now, that does not mean, they forget where they came from but  rather that it's okay to innovate and adapt.   This movie celebrates something that Walt was known for, creativity.  And honestly,  the first time,  I watched this movie,  save for it being set in present day,  I felt the presence of Walt through this movie.  

Favorite Character:    Lewis

Lewis  is  easily my favorite character from this film as he is just so likable and  his journey to watch him grow over time and  well, through time is  one that is very endearing  and makes for a great story.   You see someone that is just down on his luck that thinks no one will ever adopt him and that he'll  never find a family to love him but he  just has to wait and they'll come to him eventually and while they may be a little off-kilter, what family isn't?

Favorite Song:  Little Wonders 

This film admittedly doesn't have the most memorable soundtrack of any Disney film but this song is one that I have always loved.   I first heard it, I think when Disney Channel aired the Rob Thomas music video to promote the film and  I just knew,  I had to find a copy of this song and ever since then,  this  has become  one  of my  favorite  Disney  songs as it  perfectly  captures  what  Lewis  is going through  and why  *spoiler*,  he decides not to see his mom as he knows that he has a family and people that he can turn to.   This  song  is to me kinda like  You'll Be In My Heart of Baby Mine (those are hints for future movies popping up on the list, btw)  but  instead of being from the point of view of the parent that is seen,  the parent is unseen but  letting their child know, that they'll always have someone to turn to.  Now, that is only but one take on this song,  one could also view it as the Robinson family welcoming Lewis into the family with open arms and that they'll always have his back.

11.  Hercules 

Favorite Moments: Hercules Vs. The Hydra

Coming in at # 11 is  Hercules,  this  film is just a lot of fun and I'll admit, a bit over the top but that works so well in it's favor with the comedic timing and the action sequences are some of the best such as when Hercules fights the Hydra.  That is easily the coolest moment in the entire movie, as you get to see Herc go up against  a huge threat and how he takes him on, just use of all the lessons that Phil  has taught him to take down his true monster and  you can see this is the moment, where the people accept Hercules as a hero.  Now,  I'm not the first  one to make this comparison as Ratin8tor  pointed out in his "In Too Deep Into Disney" article about Hercules,  this movie is basically  Disney's take on Superman using the Hercules mythos and in my opinion, it works rather well in that regard with Herc serving as the Clark Kent/Superman archetype.  He's the clumsy  Clark Kent character as a teenager not knowing how to control his powers but after his training with Phil and in my view,  after he defeats the Hydra, he becomes the hope for the city.  And in many ways, it isn't too surprising that Disney would use Superman as inspiration for their take on Hercules (This is just speculation on my part, as I've not seen this confirmed anywhere) as  the legend of Hercules provided inspiration for the creation of Superman, when Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster were creation what would become the most iconic superhero.   (By the way, if you want to read a fantastic biography about the creators of Superman, I suggest Super Boys: The Amazing Adventures of Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster--The Creators of Superman).  Having said all of this,  makes me wonder what a team up between Disney's Hades and Lex Luthor would look like.  (Fanfic writers,  don't disappoint me).     Even without the Superman influences that I've come to notice over the years, this is still a fantastic film that to me, only gets better with each viewing.  Now that does leave one question, if Hercules is Disney's Superman, who is Disney's Batman?  

Favorite Character: Hades

For favorite character, it was a toss up between Meg and Hades but in the end, I decided to go with Hades as he is one of the most fun villains with his fast talking suave car salesman like nature.  And I like how even though, he tries to keep his cool, he can lose his head every so often.  I honestly attribute Hades being such a great character to James Woods'  voice acting here as he pulls it off wonderfully.

Favorite Song:  I Won't Say (I'm In Love)

This  has  always been one of my favorite songs  from  the  first time, I heard it and part of the big reason, I like it is because, it's not your typical love song from Disney.   Here, we have Meg trying to convince herself that it's okay to fall in love again after being scorned by her ex-lover.  Something you rarely see in Disney movies, a character scared of falling in love because of what happened in her previous relationship.  By the end of it, though she come around and gives in to her feelings.    That's what makes this song so great and sets this sets apart from other  Disney Love Songs.  

10.  The Fox and The Hound

Favorite Moment/Favorite Song: Best of Friends

Ah... this film takes me back to simpler times, when things weren't so hard and I didn't have so many responsibilities.  This was a childhood staple of mine, granted I recall more of the early stuff with Tod and Copper as kids, then with them as adults but I just think that's because it's the sweeter stuff, not to say that the film isn't any good, when they grow up but this is more interesting to me and  both my  favorite moment and favorite song are one in the same,  this song is special to me as this song is something that reminds me of the relationship that I have with my best friend,  I'm more of the Copper in that relationship.  It's such a sweet song that greatly captures the relationship between Tod and Copper at the start of the film and knowing how their relationship will fall apart over time, as they grow older,  kinda makes this song bittersweet as they don't  know, what's going to happen.

Favorite Character(s):  Tod & Copper

Now,   you can't  have Tod without Copper as these two go together, when it comes to this film, their friendship is the lynchpin of this movie and watching these two interact is just really adorable and makes for a highly entertaining film.

9. Treasure Planet

Favorite Moment:  You've Got The Making's  of Greatness In You

Now,  I won't be spending too much time on this scene as I'll be doing a future Breaking Down The Scene on why this is such a beautiful scene that brings tears to my eyes.  I'll just say that this is the moment that Silver becomes the father that Jim needs.  Now,  I'll admit, I've never read the original Treasure Island and the only other two versions, I've seen are the Muppet version and the Bobby Driscoll movie but this one to me stands above those two as in my opinion, the best of the three.  I know a lot of people don't like this movie but I just don't get it,  it's a very good movie with a lot of heart, a neat take on a classic story with the steampunk elements thrown in.   It just makes for an exciting film.  Of course, I may be a bit biased as this was the first movie, I saw in the theaters by myself and that was special to me.   It made me feel grown-up, getting to see a movie by myself but I don't think I could've chosen a better movie for that experience.

Favorite Character:  Long John Silver

Now,  it was a toss up between Silver or Jim but in the end,  I had to go with Long John Silver as I pointed out in my Top 6 Disney  Dads cross over with Les,  (man that was years ago), he was the father that Jim needed and as Les pointed out,  in the end,  Silver makes the father's decision to save Jim.

 He has to choose between the treasure he's hunted all of his life and saving Hawkins' life. He makes a father's decision and saves the boy. That's being a hero, and a good father figure.

This quote right here shows that there is Silver is more than just a villain.  He has many layers to him, that shows he is a wonderful character that is a good person underneath it all.

Favorite Song: I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)

Okay, yeah this is a cheat as this is the only song in this film but that doesn't mean it's a bad song. Far from it,  it's a great song that shows why Jim is the way, he is.   Because his father walked out on him and he never had anyone to guide him in his life and  he is questioning, what path does he take.

8.  Tarzan

Favorite Moment: Tarzan & Kerchak  Vs. Sabor

Okay,  yeah that scene is all kinds of awesome.  One of the best fight scenes from any Disney movie, it would probably top my list of great  animated Disney fight scenes  (make mental note to do that in the future).   Like Hercules,  a previous entry on this list, Tarzan too has a lot of great action sequences in it such as when he fights Sabor and  kinda gets revenge for Sabor killing his parents. But  also,  I find this is the moment, where Kerchak  starts to respect Tarzan as he starts to take him seriously.  That's the other big thing that sets Tarzan apart, it's serious tone and it at times, can get quite dark but it's only to serve the story and not to be dark for sake of being dark.  No, the film is showing the hardships  of growing up in the jungle but aside from that, it's also exploring the idea of belonging and which world do I live in, with the character of Tarzan, mostly after Jane arrives.   Does he stay with the family, that he's known or does he go with the strangers like him.

Favorite Character: Tarzan

For  favorite character,  I had to go with Tarzan, he's  just  one  of the coolest  characters in any Disney movie.    Honestly,  I'd love to be like Tarzan,  able to swing through the jungle on vines, tree surf. (How does he avoid blisters?)    Honestly,  to me Tarzan is the coolest Disney character ever.  He is the epitome of coolness.    

Favorite Song: Son of Man

Man,  I just  love that  shot where Tarzan jumps out of the water and is a man,  this is just a great training montage all around and the song suits it so well,  and I don't care what  people think, Phil Collins is awesome and did some great songs for this movie such as this one.  This song just gets me pumped up every time, I hear it and makes me wanna go "Yeah".   

7. Aladdin

Favorite Moment/Favorite Song:  One Jump Ahead 

Coming in at # 7 is Aladdin.   Now,  I've already talked about Aladdin, a great deal this year as I did the entire Aladdin Week event and I'm not sure, I have anything left to say about it.  It's a great movie with great characters and it's just an all around great movie between the humor and the characters.   And  my favorite song is the introductory song,   One Jump Ahead as it just helps to set the mood for the fun time that is to be had with this film,  it's  a fun rollicking action adventure with doses of comedy at every turn.

Favorite Character: The Genie

Genie  is easily, the greatest   Disney comic relief character in any film.  He's   just hilarious and fantastic with his references and that can so easily be attributed to Robin Williams' great vocal performance, a lot of which was ad-libbed.    His  pop culture references don't bring down the film but rather, just add to the legacy of the great comedy of this film.  

6.  Cinderella

Favorite Moment:  Dress Transformation 


Fun Fact:  The dress transformation sequence was  Walt's favorite piece of animation.  And it's not hard to see why, as it is just stunning and it  is just so pretty to look at as is the rest of this film,  and  this like Fox and The Hound had always been a childhood favorite of mine for it's simple story and it is wonderfully told.  All of the characters are oh so likable and I've always felt that Cinderella was the best of the original three princesses.   She has such a kind heart and even in her situation,  shows kindness to everyone.   As Les put it in our Cinderella cross over, she has a Fluttershy quality to her. 

What,  I had to throw in one MLP reference.    But yeah, she is a very sweet, and kindhearted young lady that never gives up on her dreams.  

Favorite Character(s): Jaq & Gus Gus

Man, you don't really see these two that often, anymore.   Even still, they are great characters that  are great support  for  Cinderella and will always be there for her in her time of need and show that, even though, her family may not love her,  she does have people that truly do care for her.

Favorite Song:  A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes  

Just an all around fantastic song as   Cinderella  declares that she'll never give up on her dreams and oh, Ilene Woods' voice is just so pretty and regal.  I love it all the more because of the way, she sings this number. It's just so gorgeous to listen to and as she says...

She just kept on dreaming and saw her dreams through til the end.

5. Beauty and The Beast

Favorite Moment: Belle Stands Up To Gaston

I've talked a lot about this movie in the past and it is one that just gets better over time and  I can see why it is regarded as one of the best Disney movies from the '90s and  it is  just fantastic and  as I mentioned in my Belle cross over with Creepy,  I had the hardest time picking a favorite moment but  ever since then,    it has been the moment since that cross over as it shows how much, she has come to care for Beast over the course and this seen outright, when she tells Gaston, that he's the monster.

Favorite Character: Belle

Yeah,  Belle is my favorite character and  I don't think that's too big of a surprise considering what I've said about her in the past as Belle.  She's  smart, savvy, tough and willing to stand up for herself and doesn't need someone to protect her.  

Favorite Song: Belle (Little Town)

Man,  I just love this song as it is  just a great way to get to know Belle and  all of her little quirks and that she wants more than this provincial life.   Her reading had led her to want far off adventures.   This song is just  so gorgeous and pretty to listen to.

4.  Frozen

Favorite Moment:  She's My  Sister, she would never hurt me

It's funny but when I watched Frozen for Frozen Week, I purposefully watch it from point of view of being a little brother and to see if I could still get the same type of enjoyment out of it as I did, when I just watched it as a Disney movie and you know what, watching it as a little brother, actually made the movie even better for me as I was able to relate to  Anna, so much more and fell in love with her as my favorite Frozen character.   Now,  I talked about this line during my Top 6 Anna Moments but it holds a lot of resonance with me being a younger sibling as you want to always believe that older siblings have your best interest at heart and  that they will always love you and care for you.   All siblings will have ups and downs in their relationships,  sans the  ice powers,  every sibling will have tough times but they'll always be there for each other through thick and thin.

Favorite Character: Anna

As  I mentioned up top,  Anna  is my favorite character that happened,  when I went into this film with the mindset of being a younger sibling and  I honestly related to Anna so much because as I said up top,  I'm the Anna in the sibling dynamic of our relationship.   I have a few quirks  here and there like her and my relationship with my big sister, wasn't  always the greatest, as there were a few years, where we were pretty distant and didn't talk to each other.  I hate those years, so much but like Elsa and Anna in the end, we made up and  now have a good relationship going.

Favorite Song:  Let It Go

Yeah, who didn't see this one coming.  This is the third time, this week, I've listened to this song.   I just  love it.  Everything from the lyrics to  Indina Menzel's fierce and wonderful performance as Elsa declares her freedom just makes for a fantastic song here.   I  just love it and I know with this song that Robert and Kristen-Andreson Lopez have joined the ranks The Sherman Brothers and Menken/Ashman as excellent Disney song writers, they'll be back.   

3.  The Little Mermaid 

Favorite Moment/Favorite Song:   Part of Your World

Okay,  I have to thank DisneyOtoko as  our Ariel cross over as it helped to remind me how much I loved Ariel and how much I loved this movie.  I had forgotten how special this film was to me until I did that cross over and to be reminded that this film was a special to me was something that I appreciate as I had truly forgotten how much I loved this film.   It's  just a wonderful film with great visuals and my favorite  song from the film is  Part of Your World,  which is also  my favorite moment.  Jodi Benson  just knocks it outta the park with her singing here.  I am taken back to the first time, I ever saw this movie, each time, I saw this film and I just have a big dumb grin on my face that cannot be wiped away as it takes me back to those great times.

Favorite Character:  Ariel

Yeah,  Ariel  is my favorite character and after Rapunzel, she is my favorite princess character.   I just love her spunky nature and how she is willing to go chase after her dreams and do whatever it takes to get what she wants.     She eventually finds a way to be a part of our world and in the end, it works out, give or take a sea witch that tried to take over the kingdom but minor details.  

2.  Tangled

Favorite Moment: Rapunzel Confronts Mother Gothel

Okay,  I'm sure all of you know what my Top 2  are.   And  I chose this scene  in particular as my favorite moment because this is the moment, where Rapunzel has finally grown up and become a young adult  by standing up to Mother Gothel and telling her that she will no longer allow Gothel to use her hair.  This scene is so great as we finally after so long, get to see the abused child stand up to their abuser and  it just works so well as  you can feel all of the anger in Rapunzel coming out at the woman, she thought loved her but Gothel only loved her for her hair.

Favorite Character:   Rapunzel 

Yeah,  I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past,  I LOVE Rapunzel.   She is just so much fun,  she is a bit quirky,   silly,  a little nerdy  (Disney.com said that,  themselves)  but  I also  like how she grows up over the course of the film,  she starts  out as a shy and timid flower in the beginning of the film, scared of the world because of the lies that Mother Gothel had fed her but through her journey with Flynn Rider,  she learns that Gothel was wrong  and  that the world is not a place to be feared.

Favorite Song:  When Will My Life Begin? 

Funny story,  when Tangled first hit theaters, I didn't want to see it because all of the trailers made it look terrible and I thought it was going to be one of the worst Disney films ever.   Boy,  was I wrong  and  I was glad to be wrong and the big thing that convinced me that Tangled was going to be good was When Will My Life Begin?  Hearing this song,  I knew I was in good hands and that Disney wouldn't disappoint me and by the time, I left the theater,  I discovered a great film.   I wasn't as crazy about Tangled back then as I am now,  I attribute that to the blog,  as Tangled and A Look at Disney have a long history together and  from writing all the articles on Tangled,  is what has made this my second favorite Disney film ever.  And now a drum roll

And  my  # 1  favorite Disney film is...

1.  Dumbo 

Favorite Moment/Favorite Song:  Baby  Mine

Yeah,  this one isn't too big  a surprise to anyone that knows me,   I love Dumbo.  He's  just so adorable and sweet and innocent.   I was about 15 years old, when I realized that this was my favorite movie and in this film,  I saw the relationship, I have with my mom.  In particular during "Baby Mine", which perfectly captures the love that a mother or parent has for their child and that it doesn't matter if your different,  your parents will always love you. There's another reason, this movie is high up,   I have a special relationship with this film as you see, when I was just a baby to calm me down, my mom would sing this song to me.    And all these years later,  I still get teary-eyed listening to this, my all time favorite Disney song and how much do I love Dumbo.  Well,   let me just say that when my mom came home with a stuffed Dumbo to go with my Timothy Q. Mouse plushie,  I felt like a five year old again.    My  eyes were as wide as those of a child on Christmas morning, when I saw that little cutie.

Favorite  Characters:  Timothy Q.  Mouse

My  favorite character is easily  Timothy Q.  Mouse.  Now, this at first, just started out as I thought it was cool that I shared my name with a Disney character but as I grew older,  I came to like him even more as  he is  such a great support system for Dumbo and doesn't care about Dumbo's big ears and thinks they're kind of cute. And becomes  a friend for Dumbo and I like seeing that as Dumbo needed a friend.

There you have it,  my Top 12  favorite Disney movies.    I hope that you guys have enjoyed this extensive list.  I enjoyed doing this and it has always been a pleasure posting here on  Manic Expression.     And there are many posts to come.   Thank you to everyone that has read this.     

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