Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Goes To Pride Rock: Scar (Villains Profile)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  It's been a while but today, we are returning and  with of the biggest Disney  films of the '90s.   If  you have followed this blog for quite some time, you know that every year for my birthday, I do a theme event.  This year, we are expanding  it to two weeks as   we  celebrate The Lion King. We are starting today  by bringing back what was one of my favorite segments from Halloween,  Villains  Profile  is back and  we  are  starting  this year's  big birthday bash by looking at the villain of The Lion King.   For  a fresh reminder,   the categories in this segment include Voice Actor,  Entrance, Personality, Grand Desire, Lackeys, Villain Song, Most Evil Deed,  Demise, & finally,  Is Scar  A Good Villain?   With that out of the way, let's get to pouncing and start our look at The Lion King.

Voice  Actor

Jeremy Irons

Irons  is  one  of the standouts  in  a cast of great performances.  You truly feel  the  villainy  and evilness that persides  within  Scar, every time, a line is delivered by Irons as this character.  Irons as Scar is easily one  of the best  Disney villains  voice actors  as he  just embodies  everything that is deplorable and despicable about this younger brother of Mufasa.


We first see  Scar after the presentation of Baby Simba  and we see that even then,  there is tension between him and his older brother.   Maybe  it was just me but  watching this movie, I got a very Thor and Loki  like  vibe from the interaction between these two.

That's another interesting thing about this movie,  before Scar kills off Mufasa, there isn't that much interaction between these two characters  but that tension is so thick that you could cut it with a knife.


As  I said up top,  when watching this movie,  I kept on comparing Scar to Loki with  how  he brutally betrayed  his brother. You  get the sense  that  he  is very resentful and jealous  of his brother and is also  a bit of a diva. He's  one of the biggest drama queens in the canon of Disney Villains.  You get a taste of that after he kills off Mufasa,  he has all this power but he doesn't  know how to handle it because he's  never been in position where  he was  slowly  losing  it as he didn't  know what to do with it.   And this is explored in the  song, "The Madness of King Scar" from the Broadway musical,  which I think could have worked in the movie.

Grand Desire

Scar's  grand desire is  quite  simple, he want to usurp the throne  and  take  over as  king  and  well, he is one of the most successful Disney villains in that regard but  we   see that  Scar  sucks   at being a king.   The Pride Lands  go into  a drought    The Pride Lands  also  went  through a drought early in the reigns of Scar's  father and Mufasa as well.

Scar's  arc  isn't  about  obtaining  what he  wants as he gets  early  on in the movie but rather looking at  how he is an utter failure at doing the thing that he wanted so badly.


Shenzai,  Banzai,  & Ed

These  three  are  a lot  of fun  and  some  of my  favorite henchmen in the  world  of Disney.    They prove that you shouldn't   underestimate your lackeys because even though according to Scar, the lights are not on upstairs,  they are willing to turn on you in an instant,  when  they think that   they have been betrayed.

Villain Song

Be  Prepared

Man,  this  is such a fun song  and    it perfectly  sets up Scar  as the  malicious  villain that this film needs.    This is one of the great  Disney villain  songs   and  the Nazi  imagery  with the hyenas  is intended  as  one of the inspirations that was drawn from for Scar was Hitler.  And  in a way,  that makes  a lot of sense when looking at Scar  and you realize that these two figures  had all this power that they abused, so horribly.

Most Evil Deed 

Killing  Mufasa

Like  it  could be  anything  else.   I'm sure most of you saw this one coming a mile away  as   an entire generation wept at this moment.  While  this wasn't the first time  that a Disney film  had killed off  a parent  in a movie, this was and still is one of the most brutal  deaths  because you  have a brother killing his brother and this was one of the first times in a Disney movie, where you saw the death on screen.   I  still maintain that Mufasa's   death  at the hands of Scar is one of the most traumatic experiences  in any Disney movie.


You  know, when re watching the movie, I forgot that even though Simba  and Scar  fought to the death in the climatic  battle,  it was the hyenas that killed  Scar  because  they  were tired  of him not holding up his end of their bargain.   And  it also  doesn't  help  that  he called them  stupid.

Is Scar A Good Villain?

I  would say that yes, Scar  is a good villain and certainly one of the most entertaining villains  in any Disney movie.   I enjoy  looking at how much he fails as  king.  Also, Scar  is a lot funnier than I remembered but can also be quite threatening, when he needs to be.  Join me tomorrow as we continue  our journey through The Pride Lands as we introduce a new segment, Heroes of Disney as we look at Simba.

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