Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Music Fridays Goes Pride Rock: Music Fridays # 146: Can You Feel The Love Tonight

Hello & welcome back to Pride Rock.  and back to the first Music Fridays since the Princess Christmas one during the first week of December. It's been a while but stuff came up.   Anyways with that out of the way,  today we are taking a look at Can You Feel The Love Tonight.  Which has slowly become my favorite song from The Lion King.  We will look at the film version, the Broadway version, and a couple of covers. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

This version has been slowly  growing on me since re watching the film.  I think my  favorite  part  of this song  is hearing the inner thoughts  of Simba and Nala.   It just adds  something so special and sweet to this song as these two start to bond once again, it shows  how these two truly care about one another and while I do laugh at Timon and Pumbaa at the end,  I do truly feel bad for them as they at this point think that they are truly losing someone important to them.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?  

Before "Let It Go", this was the Disney song that was on the radio all the time. (You'll Be In My Heart got some airtime too but I digress)   Seriously,  this was one of the Elton John songs  that I heard the most growing up and while I like it and for a time thought it was better than the film version, I feel that my opinion has changed.   Sir Elton's  take  is wonderful and very enjoyable  but I don't  know  I think  by making it a solo and not a duet,  you tend  to lose  something that was so present in the duet version of this song.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? - Broadway

Now  this is  more like it.  Confession time,  while I like the movie, I LOVE the Broadway musical and  I consider to be the superior telling of this story in every aspect.  Admittedly,  there is some nostalgia  in that as  this was the first musical that I ever saw on Broadway but I sit  here typing this while wearing my Lion King Broadway tee shirt.  Anyways, this version  is just so sweeping and grand that I truly get caught up in the emotion of it every time I listen to it and I lose myself while listening to this song.  This  is  hands  down in my opinion, the greatest version of this song that there is.  

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? - Larry Stewart

I grew up listening to this cassette tape  when I was a kid.  It combined  two staples  of my household, Country music and Disney and while  this isn't  my favorite cover from this  compilation,  I do  quite enjoy this take on the song but I once  again  think that comes from hearing  it so much growing. On it's  own,   I still find it to be quite enjoyable to listen  to.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? - Neil Diamond

Ah, No. Just No.   Uh Yeah, I didn't know about this cover until looking up covers for this article on Covering The Mouse and now I wish that I didn't because oh dear Mufasa, this is BAD.   I'm not even sure that Neil Diamond is singing here.   This is like a speak song. Heavy on the speak, not so much on the song.  I feel like someone is taking a butcher knife to every lyric in this beautiful song and ruining it.  I most certainly do not feel the love listening to this version. This is bad.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight? - Jackie  Evancho 

WOW,  I'll admit that I was hesitant about this one  as I am not very familiar  with  Jackie Evancho and I was worried with her young age that it might not sound that great but WOW.  This is fantastic.  I am just blown away here and take in the fact that she was 13, when she sang this and I am even more impressed.  This young  lady  has quite a powerful voice and  this is quite a good rendition of this song that makes me curious  in checking out some of her other work.  Such as I saw that she did a cover of "I See The Light" and if this is any indicator,  that should be great too.

There you have it,  my look at Can You Feel The Love Tonight along  with some good  and one really bad cover of it. Join me Monday as we continue the trek through The Pride Lands as I countdown my Top 6  Simba Moments.

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