Take A Look at Disney


Villains Profile: Maleficent

 Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and our second of 4 Villains Profile and well, we've come to who is easily the most popular Disney villain. And she is one of my least villains. And I've done more articles on her than I've ever wanted to. From doing a 4 part cross over with Pretty Boy on her own movie and she's now back on Once Upon A Time.  We are talking about Maleficent. Now just because I don't like this character,  doesn't mean I will not try to be fair like I was with King Candy/Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph. As always, this  will include Voice Actress, Entrance, Personality, Grand Desire, Lackeys, Most Evil Deed, Demise, & finally Is Maleficent A Good Villain? With that out of the way, let's begin.

Voice Actress

Eleanor Audley 

Eleanor Audley  did a fantastic job selling the command and power that is need for the character of Maleficent.  While I may not like this character,  you know that when you hear Maleficent speaks, she commands the room. Interestingly,  Audley played another popular Disney villain, Lady Tremaine from Cinderella.

Now after watching Sleeping Beauty,  I went back and watched Cinderella to compare the two performances and her voice work is noticeably different.  Maleficent is more powerful whereas Tremaine is more of subdued and quiet evil.


I will concede that Maleficent's first  where she makes a bombastic entrance interrupting Baby Aurora's christening is kinda cool. It sets up Maleficent well as this big bad but the problem is that she never really lives up to what is presented her throughout the rest of the movie. Great first scene for her but other than maybe turning into a dragon, she doesn't really do anything special.


This is perhaps my biggest issue with Maleficent.  Other EVIL!  She doesn't have much of a personality.   Her whole thing is centered around being the Mistress Of All Evil and that's it.  And sure, she's an early Disney villain but even The Evil Queen, who I had mixed feelings on more depth than Maleficent to her. I don't have a problem with characters being EVIL!   But I'd like to know why and at least with The Evil Queen, we got a little bit of with learning that she was jealous that Snow White would one day be the Fairest of All but Maleficent doesn't have a personality.

Grand Desire

What was Maleficent's reasoning for placing the curse on Aurora in the first place?  

Get Outta here you!    I only care about the animated Maleficent.   What was her motivation?   For the longest time, I was one of the people who thought it was because she wasn't invited to the christening but now I'm not sure that was the case.   Her motivation is undefined. What does she gain out of this curse? Why did she cast it?   The movie never gives you an answer as to why she does these things or what she hopes to gain out of this cure.  Though I'll give Maleficent this, she certainly knows how to play the long game.



Before watching the movie for this article I forgot about the Goons.  Honestly, they are some of the most forgettable henchmen in any Disney movie and they are just so stupid.  I get that the film was trying to use them for comedic relief but as annoying as they are, The Three Fairies serve that purpose while also being the true main characters.  And I'm sorry but I just find it hard to swallow that Maleficent, the supposed Mistress of All Evil!  would have such stupid henchmen.  It really clashes with the aesthetic that film is trying to set up for Maleficent.


 Diablo  on other hand  is alright.  He also  serves the purpose of creating the aesthetic that the film is going for with Maleficent.  And you see that Maleficent and Diablo have clear respect for one another and he is shown to be the only thing that Maleficent truly cares about in the movie. So, he's cool.

Most Evil Deed

I gotta say that this was toss up between her kidnapping Phillip and setting the curse. But in the end, I had to go with the curse as that is what  set this whole event in motion.  I still have my issues with the curse but placing a curse on a newborn baby is pure evil.


I'm torn on her death.  It's cool  seeing Phillip fight her as a dragon and the dragon is perhaps the best part of the movie but I've always thought that Phillip throwing his sword at her was kinda dumb.  I get that there was really no other way to defeat her but for  a villain such as Maleficent, it just anticlimactic.  Her being taken out in her dragon form is fine but the fact that Phillip just had to throw his sword at her ranks up there with Eric driving the ship into Ursula as the dumber deaths of a Disney villain in my opinion.

Is Maleficent A Good Villain?

Look, I get why people like Maleficent. She has cool look and a very awesome voice to go with it. But other then that, I don't think there is much to her. Her motivation is  really undefined and she doesn't have much of a personality. Look I don't like her but I'm not going to bash Maleficent fans for liking her. I just don't think she's as great as people make her out to be. In many respects, I find her a little boring as a character. But again if you like her, more power to you. She's just not for me.  Join me next time as we head to London to look at the most evil of fashionistas.  

Cruella De Vil

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