Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 150: Anything Goes Again

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and to Music Fridays and its' once again time for anything goes as I give you a grab bag of songs. Starting with a song that was cut from Sleeping Beauty and was meant to be a villain song for Maleficent.

Maleficent & Goons Song (Actual Title Unknown)

Yeah, apparently Maleficent at one point in the writing of Sleeping Beauty was supposed to have a villain song. It was never recorded but as you can see from this performance from D23, the sheet music was found and my opinion on this. Yeah,  I'm kinda glad they didn't go with this because well one it's just an evil version of Rockabye Baby and secondly, Maleficent isn't a villain I picture singing.


With the announcement of a DuckTales reboot coming to Disney XD, I have had this song in my head for the past couple days. And it still holds up as the best themes out for any cartoon, it just gets you pumped.   Woo Hoo!

Star Vs. The Forces of Evil Outro

Now, we come to the outro of what has easily become one of my favorite new cartoons, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil.  In short, the show is about an alien princess, Star Butterfly being sent by her parents to Earth to learn how master her magical skills. And it is easily one of the funniest shows and while I like the intro as it is just so fast paced and bizarre, fitting Star's bubbly attitude, the outro leaves me with a happy feeling of enjoying the show that  I just watched and  it in my opinion, fits more with the attitude of Star.

Risk It All

I've been wanting to talk about this song for a while as it's a new Rapunzel song and  thankfully, Mandy Moore did come back to sing for this song and while not as good as her songs from Tangled, as this is a TV quality song, I still enjoy it as it has a good message of  sometimes you have to put others before yourself.

There you are, I hope that you've enjoyed this Music Fridays. Peace!


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