Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 164: Anything Goes Once Again

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Well, I'm taking a short break from the Figment reviews to bring you guys a new Music Fridays but seeing as I couldn't come up with a concrete theme, I'll be looking at anything.  As it is time once again for another edition of Anything Goes. But where to start, where to start. How about something related to Figment but I've already looked at One Little Spark but it feels right to start with that song.

One Little Spark

Now sure, I talked about this song last week but I really like it. It's easily one of my favorite Disney songs as it just so joyous and a lot of fun to listen to.  It fits the Disney spirit of believing perfectly.  It's a fun song and I greatly enjoy it quite a bit.

Love Can't Be Denied


I apologize about the quality of this video but trying to find a copy of this song is a bit tough.  You see, this is an Alan Menken song that was written for... The Snow Queen.  Which became Frozen and for reasons that I do not know, Mr. Menken left the film before it was released and as we know was replaced by The Lopez's.  You can check the Disney Wiki to get a better feel for the lyrics but from what I heard here,  I may have to take another listen but I wasn't too impressed. 

Gotta Reach A Higher Height

This episode deals with a character is a bit of perfectionist finally failing at something, being ballet and we hear beating herself up over that in this song before finally nailing what she was trying to get down.  It may not be the most memorable song but I find it to be a lot of fun.  I think  what really sells me on this song is the singing of Princess Kari as her voice is just infectious and just makes this song a lot of fun to listen to.

Epic Goofy Medley - Peter Hollens & Stuart Edge

Yeah, this is awesome.  And there really isn't much more that I can say than that. One of the best Disney movies from the '90s being celebrated this way.  This is just a ton of fun and I love supporting artists like this on YouTube as you see how the hard work that they put into videos like these. And I can't help but admire them for everything that they do. 

I hope that you've enjoyed this Music Fridays and if you have any topics that you'd like me to cover for a future Music Fridays, feel free to let me know in the comments. Peace!

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