Take A Look at Disney


The Scrooges of Disney

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and we are coming to the close of our Christmas Carol celebration and for this particular blog, I will be looking at the 3 most well-known Disney iterations of Scrooge.  With that outta the way, let's begin.

Scrooge McDuck - Mickey's Christmas Carol

We start with the original Disney Scrooge.  Scrooge McDuck from Mickey's Christmas Carol. And you couldn't have picked a better character for this role. Alan Young as Scrooge is really solid.  As I went over last year, he first played the role of Scrooge in the vinyl record that was the inspiration for this fantastic short and  while this was the first time that Young would play Scrooge in the animated medium, he really brought a lot to the role. Now as I made mention in my review, he doesn't have as much as depth to him as other takes but for being the first Disney Scrooge, he was really good and one of the best.

Michael Caine -  The Muppet Christmas Carol

As I mentioned in my review last week, Caine is my favorite Scrooge as you really see the progression that he goes through over the course of the film as he starts out as cold and heartless man but as you see him go on his journey with the Ghosts, he really starts to shed the layers of the cold and ruthless man that he was and we see the good man inside of him that had been buried for years.

Jim Carrey - A Christmas Carol (2009)

Again, as  I said in my review, Carrey isn't too over-the-top and he plays the role seriously and shows a huge amount of respect to the character and doesn't try to make him silly but rather he gives his turn as Scrooge, a rather solid performance that while not as good as Young or Caine,  is still highly respectable and enjoyable.

There you have it, my look at the three most iconic takes on Scrooge from Disney. Join me tomorrow as I close my look at Disney's take on A Christmas Carol by looking at the score of A Christmas Carol (2009)

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