Take A Look at Disney


Month of The Mansion: Meet & Greet: The Bride & Constance Hatchaway

Ah, dear readers, we have now reached the final Meet & Greet of this event as we look at The Bride and Constance Hatchaway.  Per usual, this'll include Personalities, Scares Inside The Mansion, Scares Outside The Mansion, & What They Bring To The Mansion.  With this out of the way, let's get ready to walk down the aisle. 


While the original Bride, did not have an actress, that is not true of Constance.  

Projection/Photos -Julia Lee

Lee truly brings Hatchaway to life and gives her that frightening look.

Kat Cressida - Voice Actress

Cressida gives a voice to Constance that is very eerie and just by hearing it from video, can make one uneasy.


The Bride 

Very little is known of The Bride.  It is believed that she was The Hatbox Ghost's bride and was perhaps the one that killed him or the cause of his murder.  She remained there until 2006 and she with her beating heart and candlestick, she gave the living that came to the mansion, once last fright. 

Constance Hatchaway 

Constance is quite more vicious than the last bride that had the wedding bells ringing for her. Constance is much more of a serial killer and if we are to go by the Marvel comics,  she never cared for her grooms or their money, she only married because she loved weddings.  The Haunted Mansion Wiki provides us with a list of the dearly departed that she had killed with her ax.  That being her weapon of choice.  Constance was much more willing to kill than The Bride. 

Scares Inside The Mansion

The Bride 

In the attic scene's climax, guests would come across The Bride as she was there to give guests one last fright with her beating heart.  Being an ominous figure that looms. 

Constance Hatchaway 

Constance had a quite few more appearances and originally, she only appeared as one of the Stretching Portraits. 

However, in 2006, Constance was put into the attic surrounded by the gifts that she had received as wedding presents and being that she is dead, she doesn't fear the law and recites twisted wedding vows.  
"We'll live happily ever after...
Till death do us part...
Here comes the bride...
As long as we both...shall live...
For better or for...worse...
I do...I did...
In sickness and in...wealth...You may now kiss the bride..."

Those vows are rather eerie, no?  I imagine that Constance must have been one frightening bride. 

Scares Outside The Mansion

The Bride 

The Bride had a few ghostly appearances outside the Mansion including House of Mouse and the Slave Labor Graphic Comics and was of course, the inspiration for the character of Elizabeth in the movie.


Constance Hatchaway

Constance has had a few appearances since her debut in the Mansion perhaps most notably Epic Mickey, a video game that used unused concepts and that does make sense as Constance was an idea that the Imagineers had wanted to put in the ride for a while. And she also appeared in the recent Disney Kingdoms Haunted Mansion miniseries as the  secondary antagonist as perhaps the scariest aspect of the story as she has no care what happens and who gets in her way.  Do not hope that she ask you to say wedding vows with her as you will end up dead.

What They Bring To The Mansion

The Bride

I can't say that The Bride brought much to the Mansion, dear readers other than just another fright.

Constance Hatchaway

On the other hand,  Constance is perhaps the most frightening figure that we've looked at during this month as unlike many other ghostly figures that we have looked at, she is perhaps the most evil and vicious.  And of any Disney character, theme park or otherwise has the highest (if only) body count.  I must admit dear readers that the thought of Constance sends shivers down this fool's bones.   I fear that I may need a break from the Mansion. So join me as we go to the world of My Little Pony for something less chilling.

Join me for Flutterween but Month of The Mansion will resume soon enough.  For now, I must lower this coffin.  

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