Take A Look at Disney


My Thoughts on the Trailer for Tangled: The Series

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Last month, Disney Channel released the first trailer for Tangled: The Series. 

I was rather excited by this and you might say that my reaction was something akin to this...

Now, it's just a teaser and there isn't much to go off from the trailer in that it just says coming soon but according to the Disney Wiki.  It'll premiere in February of 2017.  My birthday month....

Now, the two biggest things to take away from this is that when this was first announced, it was known as Tangled: Before Ever After.  But now, it's just Tangled: The Series.  Well, it turns out that Before Ever After is the title of the pilot special that will precede the actual TV series. 

And the other big thing is that it appears the pilot special will address the hair coming back as that is addressed in the trailer. 

As that's the last thing that they leave you with in the trailer and with Rapunzel saying in a shocked state, "Suprise".    It appears from the trailer as well that the show will keep the adventurous tone that the movie had and I'm all for that as the adventure angle was one of the best parts of the movie.  

And I know people have mixed on the animation style as this is a rare time that Disney is taking a CGI movie and doing a 2D animated movie on it but I like the animation style as it has children's book style to it almost akin to Little Golden Books.  

Now, when Disney released  still images of the series, which they released two of, you couldn't much of a feel for how the animation would flow.

Now, I wasn't the biggest fan of the first image released (the one on the right) as it cut off Rapunzel and Flynn on the side and I get that it's a teaser but it barely gives you a feel of how these characters will look in this new style. The second image however was much better as it gives you a taste of the action and spunkiness that Rapunzel has and gives you a better feel of the animation style.   

Finally, seeing it in motion in the trailer however gives you a greater feel of how the animation will flow and finally seeing it in motion shows that the animation team did an admirable job transitioning these beloved characters into a new style of animation. 

So, I have faith in the look of the show and the people behind it as most of the cast is returning along with some other big names such James Monroe Iglehart (Genie on Broadway) & Jeremy Jordan ( Winn on Supergirl).  I do think that this show will be good.  And yes, there is a huge bias as Tangled is my favorite Disney movie and I'm ecstatic to see it get some more love.   What are your thoughts on the trailer for Tangled: The Series? Let me know in the comments. Peace!  

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